Float Routines (dcu_floatMv.dll)

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Float Routines (dcu_floatMv.dll)

The purpose of this module is to allow a component or points to be translated or rotated by random floating routines. It could replace the current Hole-Pin Floating routines in 3DCS. It is also enhanced with the 'fastener' based floating mechanism.


Within this section:

Float with constant fastener (dcsFlMvConstFastener4Way)

Float by rotation with constant fastener (dcsFlMvConstFastener2Way)

Float with measured fastener (dcsFlMvMeasFastener4Way)

Float by rotation with measured fastener (dcsFlMvMeasFastener2Way)

Float two sets of cylinders (holes and shafts) at their extremes (dcsFlMvCylinderTilt4Way)

Measure the Center deviation on a cylinder edge (dcsFeatMsCylinderEdgeCenter)

Measure the Diameter deviation on a cylinder edge (dcsFeatMsCylinderEdgeDiameter)




User-DLL Moves


1. Float with constant fastener (dcsFlMvConstFastener4Way)

Will float a pair of holes within the clearance with constant fastener diameter.



One Direction is required to specify the floating plane

One Object Feature is required. The Object Feature should be a size feature.

One Target Feature is required. The Target Feature should be a size feature.

Component List cannot be empty.

The first value in the Value List is the fastener diameter.



Components will be floated (translated in X and Y) within the clearance calculated from Object Feature and Target Feature along with fastener.



HLM analysis is supported.



2. Float by rotation with constant fastener (dcsFlMvConstFastener2Way)

Will float a pair of holes within the clearance by rotation with constant fastener diameter.



One Direction is required to specify the floating plane

Two Object Feature is required. The First Object Feature should be a size feature. The Second Object Feature is used as the rotating center.

One Target Features are required. The Target Feature should be a size feature.

Component List cannot be empty.

The first value in the Value List is the fastener diameter.



Components will be floated (rotated) within the clearance calculated from the first Object Feature and the First Target Feature along with fastener.



HLM analysis is supported.



3. Float with measured fastener (dcsFlMvMeasFastener4Way)

Will float a pair of holes within the clearance with measured fastener diameter.



One Direction is required to specify the floating plane

One Object Feature is required. The Object Feature should be a size feature.

One Target Feature is required. The Target Feature should be a size feature.

Component List cannot be empty.

The first Measure in the Measure List is the fastener diameter measurement.



Components will be floated (translated in X and Y) within the clearance calculated from Object Feature and Target Feature along with fastener.



HLM analysis is supported.



4. Float by rotation with measured fastener (dcsFlMvMeasFastener2Way)

Will Float a pair of holes within the clearance by rotation with measured fastener diameter.



One Direction is required to specify the floating plane

Two Object Feature is required. The First Object Feature should be a size feature. The Second Object Feature is used as the rotating center.

One Target Features are required. The Target Feature should be a size feature.

Component List cannot be empty.

The First Measure in the Measure List is the fastener diameter measurement.



Components will be floated (rotated) within the clearance calculated from the first Object Feature and the First Target Feature along with fastener.



HLM analysis is supported.



Point-based Model


Description: Three operations are presented: (a) the first operation is the 3-point Move to locate the object component on the fixture; (b) the second operation is the 4-way floating to float the 4-way control; (c) the third operation is the 2-way floating to float the 2-way control.



5. Float two sets of cylinders (holes and shafts) at their extremes (dcsFlMvCylinderTilt4Way)

Will float two sets of cylinders (holes and shafts) at their extremes.



The dcsFlMvCylinderTilt4Way must be selected as the User Routine.

At least one feature must be added to the Object Features list. All Object Features should have the same size type (Hole or Pin Type).

At least one feature must be added to the Target Features list. All Target Features should have the same size type (Hole or Pin Type).

The number of Object Features could be different from the number of Target Features. Object Features are not required to be paired with Target Features.

The Directions fields are calculated automatically.  Users should not modify these fields.

The parts/products to be moved must be added to the Move Parts list.  This list must contain parts/products that contain all the Object Features.

The floating mode is specified in the More dialog. The Constant # should be set to 1. Then the Const. Value should be set to the desired floating mode:

The default value of 0 specifies separate floating at the top and bottom allowing the object features to tilt.

A value of 1 specifies floating only at the top edge without tilting

A value of 2 specifies floating only at the bottom edge without tilting.

"Top" and "bottom" are relative to the direction of the move. Top Edge is the edge on the tip of the floating axis; Bottom Edge is the edge on the tail of the floating axis; the floating axis can be seen by 'Showing Direction'.

The Hole-Pin Floating in the Options dialog is not used. The floating parameters are set in the Random Param. dialog.  For 4-way floating, the Rand. # should be set to 2.

Rand. Index Rand#1 must have its Rand. Type: set to Magnitude (default MAG = 1.0 TYPE = constant)  Rand#1 will control the magnitude of the floating and the parameters can be as desired.

Rand. Index Rand#2 must have its Rand. Type: set to Angle (default MAG = 360 degree; TYPE = Uniform).  Rand#2 will control the angle of the floating and the parameters can be as desired.



The floating plane is calculated based on the center axis, during nominal build; this direction is shown as the first direction in GUI. Users should not modify the direction.

Components will be transformed (Translation and rotation) within the clearance calculated from Object Feature and Target Feature on the calculated floating plane. The transformation is calculated from floating two extreme pair of circles derived from Object Features and Target Features.



HLM analysis is supported.



Name: dcsFlMvCylinderTilt4Way.wtx



User-DLL Measures


1. Measure the Center deviation on a cylinder edge (dcsFeatMsCylinderEdgeCenter)

Will measure the Center deviation on a cylinder edge.



The dcsFeatMsCylinderEdgeCenter must be selected as the User Routine.

Feature Group1:  Size Features (Feature Cylinder, Sphere, or Feature Circle) are required.


1.)The first value is the Edge parameter, and ranges between 0.0 and 1.0, to specify the edge to measure. Default value or no value is equivalent to the first value = 0.0.

The Edge parameter = 0.0 means the top edge. The top edge is the edge on the tip of the floating axis.

The Edge parameter = 1.0 means the bottom edge. The bottom edge is the edge on the tail of the floating axis.

The floating axis is the second direction in the direction list. The second direction is automatically calculated after Nominal-Build.

2.) The Second value is the Rotating Angle (in degree) to specify the measuring direction. Default value or no value is equivalent to the second value = 0.0.

The default measurement direction is calculated as a direction perpendicular to both the floating axis and the default start direction. The default start direction is a direction perpendicular to the floating axis. The measuring direction can be modified after the initial setting.



Name: dcsFlMvCylinderTilt4Way.wtx



2. Measure the Diameter deviation on a cylinder edge (dcsFeatMsCylinderEdgeDiameter)

Will measure the Diameter deviation on a cylinder edge.



The dcsFeatMsCylinderEdgeDiameter must be selected as the User Routine.

Feature Group1:  Size Features (Feature Cylinder, Sphere, or Feature Circle) are required.


1.) The first value is the edge parameter, and ranges between 0.0 and 1.0, to specify the edge to measure. Default value or no value is equivalent to the first value = 0.0.

The edge parameter = 0.0 means the top edge. The top edge is the edge on the tip of the floating axis.

The edge parameter  = 1.0 means the bottom edge. The bottom edge is the edge on the tail of the floating axis.

The floating axis is the second direction in the direction list. The second direction is automatically calculated after Nominal-Build.

2.) The second value is the rotating angle (in degree) to specify the measuring direction. Default value or no value is equivalent to the second value = 0.0.

The default measurement direction is calculated as a direction perpendicular to both the floating axis and the default start direction. The default start direction is a direction perpendicular to the floating axis. The measuring direction can be modified after the initial setting.