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DLL routine libraries come with your 3DCS software. These routines are outlined in greater detail in the following pages.
Within this Section: |
See also...:Example ModelsC:\Users\Public\Documents\DCS\3DCS_V5_8_1_0_4\3DCS CAD & Example Models\Reference Models |
Commonly Used DLLs and Routines
DLL Name |
DLL File Name |
No. of Routines |
Routines |
dcu_autobend.dll |
4 |
dcu_avgMove.dll |
1 |
Average Move |
dcu_mtmlib1.dll |
1 |
Least Squares Cylinder |
dcu_mtmlib2.dll |
5 |
Translate Point to LSQ-Plane (dcsMvPtToLsqPlane) Translate Point to LSQ-Circle (dcsMvPtToLsqCircle) Translate Point to LSQ-Cylinder (dcsMvPtToLsqCylinder) Translate LSQ Plane to Plane (dcsMvLsqPlaneToPlane) Translate Point to Point Direction (dcsMvTranslatePtToPtDir) |
dcu_cr2cr.dll |
10 |
Cr2CrCentered Cr2CrAxisAlign Cr2CrDynMidPt Cr2CrFastenerInch dcsMvCr2CrCentered2 dcsMvCr2CrFastener2 dcsMvCr2CrAxisAlign2 dcsMvCr2CrDynMidPt2 dcsMvCr2CrFastenerInch2 |
dcu_3devmove.dll |
1 |
3-Dev Move |
dcu_calcdir.dll |
3 |
Move Set Direction Double Cross Product (ABA) |
dcu_floatMv.dll |
5 |
Float with constant fastener Float by rotation with constant fastener Float with measured fastener Float by rotation with measured fastener Float two sets of cylinders (holes and shafts) at their extremes |
dcu_loopMv.dll |
2 |
Group Loop Move Sub-moves Loop Move |
dcu_lsqgeomv.dll |
2 |
dcu_MultiPtTrans.dll |
1 |
Multiple Points Translation |
dcu_NestMove.dll |
1 |
Nest Move |
dcu_polyFloat.dll |
2 |
One Pair of Polygons Two Pairs of Polygons |
dcu_xformMv.dll |
18 |
Translate by Value in Inches Feature Rotate Point Average Move Translate Point to Geometric Center Project Point on Feature Take Measurements When Executing the Moves Translate Two Points to the Closest Position Rotate Two Points to the Closest Position Translate Two Points To Two Planes Intersection Translate One Point To Plane and Line Intersection Translate Two Points to LSQ Position and Direction Rotate and Translate with Random Value Locate Points to the Torus Minor Centers |
dcu_vblock.dll |
1 |
V-Block Center Move |
DLL Name |
DLL File Name |
No. of Routines |
Routines |
dcu_avgTole.dll |
1 |
AverageTolerance |
dcu_doe_form.dll |
1 |
DOE Form |
CMM Statistics |
dcu_stat_row.dll |
1 |
CMM Data - now under the Capability Tolerance |
dcu_CntrPntTl.dll |
2 |
Circle Sphere |
dcu_fjva.dll |
7 |
Sample Data Deviation (dcsFjvaSmpDev). Sample Data Fit Deviation (dcsFjvaSmpFitDev). Statistical Data Deviation (dcsFjvaStatDev). Tolerance Data Deviation (dcsFjvaTolDev). Import Nominal Data from a Data File (dcsFjvaAnsysImpNomData). Deviate Points By Sample Data from a Data File (dcsFjvaAnsysDev). Deviate Points By Fitting Sample Data from a Data File (dcsFjvaAnsysFitDev). |
dcu_Xform.dll |
4 |
Power Function (dcsTlPowerFnDev) |
dcu_formTl.dll |
6 |
Filter 1D Data - Unwrapped Filter 1D Data - Wrapped Filter 1D Data - Extract Freq Filter 2D Data - Unwrapped Filter 2D Data - Row Wrapped Filter 2D Data - Row Wrapped(p) |
dcu_linfloat.dll |
1 |
Linear Float |
DLL Name |
DLL File Name |
No. of Routines |
Routines |
dcu_mtmlib1.dll |
5 |
Virtual Clearance Circularity Circular Runout Cylindricity Perpendicularity |
dcu_mtmLib2.dll |
6 |
Maximum Inner Diameter (dcsMsInsideVirtualClearance) Minimum Outside Diameter (dcsMsOutsideVirtualClearance) Calculated Root-Squared-Sum: Difference between Paired Points.(dcsMsRtSqSumDifBtwnPairedPoints) Calculated Root-Squared-Sum: Difference between Points and Planes (dcsMsRtSqSumBtwnPointsAndPlane) Calculated Root-Squared-Sum: Difference between Points and a Circle (dcsMsRtSqSumBtwnCircleAndPoints) |
dcu_floatMv.dll |
2 |
Measure the Center deviation on a cylinder edge (dcsFeatMsCylinderEdgeCenter) Measure the Diameter deviation on a cylinder edge (dcsFeatMsCylinderEdgeDiameter) |
dcu_xformMv.dll |
2 |
Measure Distance from Circle to a Point (dcsMsDistanceFromCircleToPoint) |