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The sample ex_move.dsp is a Visual C++ project file that provides a simple example of a user-written move routine. By building the DLL module for this project and loading the resulting DLL file into 3DCS, the User-DLL Move GUI will show the loaded routine in the user-routines pulldown. The code from the file userfunc.cpp for this project is shown below. The name that will appear in the pulldown for the User-DLL Move GUI's user-routines will be "Example Move" as defined in the code below. The routine utilizes the wpMOVECAL_s (from dcs_ufnc.h) structure to read the model data and subsequently calculate a 3-point move from the specified object and target points.


// dcs headers

#include "dcs_defn.h"

#include "dcs_ufnc.h"

#include "userfunc.h"



/* Implement your move routines here */



// This is a sample move .dll function that performs a three point move.


char dcsMoveName1[] = "Example Move";

char* dcsGetMoveFuncName1() { return dcsMoveName1;}


void userMoveFunc1(dcsDataPtr* pDataPtr)


wpMOVECAL_s* pMovePtr = (wpMOVECAL_s*)pDataPtr;

if (pMovePtr == wpNULL) return;


pMovePtr->m_IsMvInfoCal = wpTRUE;


int objNum = pMovePtr->m_NumObjVec; // number of object points

int tgtNum = pMovePtr->m_NumTgtVec; // number of target points


if (objNum != 3 || tgtNum != 3) return; // enforce move requirements


// get move data

int ii;

wpVEC3D_s objVec[3];

wpVEC3D_s tgtVec[3];

wpBOOL retv;


for (ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++)


objVec[ii] = mvGlbGetObjVec(pMovePtr, ii); // object vectors

tgtVec[ii] = mvGlbGetTgtVec(pMovePtr, ii); // target vectors



// get three point move parameters

wpVEC3D_s transVec; // translation vector

wpVEC3D_s axis1, axis2; // rotation axes

double angle1, angle2; // rotation angles


retv = mvGlbThreePt3Move(objVec[0], objVec[1], objVec[2], // three point move

tgtVec[0], tgtVec[1], tgtVec[2], &transVec, &axis1, &angle1, &axis2, &angle2);


if (retv == wpFALSE) pMovePtr->m_IsMvInfoCal = wpFALSE;


// pass move information back to 3-Dcs

if (pMovePtr->m_IsMvInfoCal != wpFALSE)


wpVEC3D_s rtVec = tgtVec[0]; // rotation point

int pairNum = 2;


mvGlbSetMovePairNum(pMovePtr, pairNum); // allocate memory


ii = 0;

mvGlbSetMoveTrInfo(pMovePtr, ii, transVec); // pass translation vector

mvGlbSetMoveRtInfo(pMovePtr, ii, rtVec, axis1, angle1); // pass rotation information



mvGlbSetMoveRtInfo(pMovePtr, ii, rtVec, axis2, angle2); // pass rotation information

