<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Features and Operations > Extract Functions > Extract Moves |
ExtractionFeatures: The object and Target features are extracted from the CAD Constraints in the order how it is defined in the CAD Orientation Control: The matting orientation for primary and secondary features gets extracted. Offset: CAD Offset/Distance constraint will get extracted along with the defined offset value that will be displayed in the offset field in the Feature Move dialog Move Part: The object part will be extracted as Move Part. |
•Combine the Primary, Secondary and tertiary features from the defined Constraint between 2 Parts in the given Order.
•Fixed Part will always be the Target even though if it is picked to be the object in the CAD. This is to match the CAD behavior to retain the fixed Part Position.
•The Fixed Part will always not retain the position if the user defines a move order as shown below
Now the extracted feature move will have Part_B to be the Target but as the last move in the CAD moves Part_B to Part_C the 2nd Feature move extracted will have Part_A also in the move part list along with Part_B this will not break the previously defined Move. This will break the fixed part position in CAD.
•If an object part is previously constrained to a part, both those parts need to be in the Move Part list.
For this order of Moves, Part_A to Part_B will be Feature move 1, Part_B to Part_C will be Move 2 in which both parts, Part_A and Part_B will be in the Move Part List.
•From the previous case if any of the carry over part (in the Move Part List) is directly or indirectly linked with the Target Part of the current Move then ignore the Rule 3 and combine this move to the previous Feature Move.
•In this move order Part_A to Part_B will be extracted as 1st Feature Move, Part_C to Part_A as 2nd feature move and now if the Part_C to Part_B extracted as the 3rd move it will look for the parts Part_C is linked to and add that in the move parts for the 3rd move but Part_A is already constrained with Part_B it cannot add this in the move part list and hence combine it to the previous (2nd) Feature Move in the secondary field.
•There are few cases that conflict with our logic and we cannot extract them correctly.
•For the below mentioned constraints order, Part_C to Part_B will be the 1st move, Part_A to Part_B will be the second move with all pri/sec/ter defined. Part_A to Part_C should be the third move but as Part B is previously constrained to Part C Rule 3 cannot be implemented here and also the previous feature move created between Part A and PartB have all pri/sec/Ter field filled Rule 4 also cannot be implemented which will leave this case to build wrong
•From Rule 4, if the last move that need to be merged to the previous move have obj and Tar in different order, we automatically swap it to get the object and Target to match the primary and secondary order.
•Touch /Align
•Align Lock
•Offset Values extracted will not always build correctly because as per Feature move logic the build position differs depending on which is the Target Part.