Gap and Flush Measurement

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Gap and Flush Measurement

gap_flush_measure_24 Gap/Flush Measurement function allows to interactively define gap and flush measurements, by cutting a plane and defining measuring points and the measurement direction.



All point vectors are normal to the feature they are created on.

Measurement vectors may be set by user.

The Gap/Flush Measurement allows modifying the points' locations by dragging the points along the section in the Gap/Flush Measure Creation window.

After creation, a Gap/Flush Measurement is treated as a general DCS measurement; the modification and deletion are supported as a general DCS measurement.






Create a Gap/Flush Measurement

step_24Click on Modeling arrowDCS gap_flush_measure_24 Gap Flush Measure, or go to Create Gap/Flush Measurement icon gap_flush_measure_24 in the Spec Study toolbar, to open the Gap/Flush Measure Creation dialog box.




step_24Click on sec_create_section Create Section button. This will open the Pick...position on...feature dialog that prompts the user to select the two surfaces for the measurement.




step_24Select the two surfaces. The Gap/Flush Measure Creation dialog reopens showing the 2D created section. The section is also shown in the Graph window.

Note: The user can turn on/off the section plane from View arrowDCS Cross Section arrowDCS Section_Plane_showhide_24 Show Cross Section Plane.



step_24If necessary, use the sec_pic_meas_pos_2d Drag Measurement Points button to adjust the measurement by repositioning the two measurement points. The points can be dragged along the section line, on the surface on which they were created in the Graph window. There are two orange arrows: one shows the measurement direction (along the first point's vector direction, as default), and the other one points from the first picked point to the second picked point (marked with orange dots). The grey arrows show the individual direction for each measurement point.

step_24Click the sec_create_measure Create Measure button to create the actual measurement. This will open the Section Draw dialog, which displays the section, measurement points, nominal value, and measurement direction.




Gap/Flush Measure Creation dialog options:




step_24sec_create_section Create Section will create a new section.

step_24sec_reselect_features Re-Select Features in Graph Window allows the user to select other measurement surfaces (reselect the two features), by clicking them in the Graph window.

step_24sec_reverse_feat_1 Reverse Feature 1 Direction will reverse the direction of the first surface vector.

step_24sec_reverse_feat_2 Reverse Feature 2 Direction will reverse the direction of the second surface vector.

step_24sec_manipulator_show_hide Hide/Show Manipulator will hide or display the section manipulator, which allows the user to drag and reposition the section along one axis, and rotate it around the other two axes.

step_24sec_manipulator_options Options button (in the Gap/Flush Measure Creation dialog) will open the Edit Parameters dialog (see below).

step_24sec_pic_meas_pos_2d Drag Measurement Points repositions the two measurement points.

step_24graphic_pan_24 Pan, graphic_rotate_24 Rotate, and graphic_zoom_inout_24 Zoom allow the user to reposition, orient, and increase/decrease the image, shown in the Gap/Flush Measure Creation window.

step_24autoscale_24 Autoscale will zoom in or zoom out to best fit the section into the window.

step_24sec_gap_flush_help Help button is context sensitive; it will open the Help Manual at required topic page.

step_24sec_create_measure Create Measure will create the actual measurement.

step_24Dir Option

step1_24sec_pt1_diru 1st Point Direction (default): the measurement is taken along the first point vector direction.

step1_24sec_pt2_diru 2nd Point Direction: the measurement is taken along the second point vector direction.

step1_24sec_pt_to_pt2_diru Point to Point Direction: the vector direction will be created between the two measurement points. This setting will measure the true distance between the points.

step_24True dist = displays the value of the true distance between the two measurement points.

step_24Meas dist = displays the value of the distance between the two measurement points, measured along the vector direction.

step_24Summary will open a dcs_spec_sum.tmp file (using Notepad), and list all parameters for the Gap/Flush Measure Creation dialog. Select File/Save As to save the data in text format.

step_24Close will close the Gap/Flush Measure Creation dialog.


Edit Parameters dialog (from Gap/Flush Measure Creation dialog sec_manipulator_options Options button)

Here the user can type in new coordinates and manipulate the direction for the section plane. The direction can be set along one of the axes, or along a vector chosen by the user (by editing the I, J, K values).  




step_24Section Z-Direction

step1_24X Dir, Y Dir, Z Dir: Will set the section's Z-axis square to grid, along X, Y, or Z major directions.

step1_24Negative IJK: Will reverse the vector direction for the section's Z-axis.

step1_24User Dir: Allows the user to type-in the I, J, K components for the Z-axis.

step_24Section X-Direction

step1_24X Dir, Y Dir, Z Dir: Will set the section's X-axis square to grid, along X, Y, or Z major directions.

step1_24Negative IJK: Will reverse the vector direction for the section's X-axis.

step1_24User Dir: Allows the user to type-in the I, J, K components for the X-axis.

step_24Section Center: Displays the x, y, and z coordinates for the section plane.

step_24Show Section: Will update the section in the Graph window, based on the changes made for the section's X and Z axes, and Center.

step_24Get Section: Will update the section's X and Z axes, and Center in the Edit Parameters dialog, based on the changes made on the section in the Graph window, using the Manipulator.

step_24Help: The Help button will open the Help Manual at the specific topic page.

step_24Ok: Will apply changes to the section in Gap/Flush Measure Creation dialog.

step_24Cancel: Will ignore all changes and exit the Edit Parameters dialog.


Section Draw dialog (from sec_create_measure Create Measure button)




step_24sec_meas_modify_24 Open Measurement Dialog button will open the newly created measurement dialog box.

step_24sec_manipulator_options Options button (in the Section Draw dialog) allows the user to increase or decrease the section size, based on the scale factor used.




step_24sec_read_3d_section Read 3D Section from Graph Window will read the section information from the main Graph window and display it in the Section Draw window. This option can be used when the user wants to associate a section to an existing measurement.

step_24sec_show_3d_section Show 3D Section will update the section orientation in the Graph window, based on the information shown in the Section Draw window.

step_24sec_force_3d_section_on_pts Force 3D Section on Points will position the section through the existing measurement points.

step_24sec_pic_meas_pos_2d Drag Measurement Points allows the user to slide the measurement points along the surface to increase/decrease the nominal value of the measurement.

Note: Dragging is prevented for:

(1) non-feature point;

(2) a pt at it's deviated position;

(3) a surface center feature point.

step_24graphic_pan_24 Pan, graphic_rotate_24 Rotate, and graphic_zoom_inout_24 Zoom allow the user to reposition, orient, and increase/decrease the image, shown in the Section Draw window.

step_24autoscale_24 Autoscale will zoom in or zoom out to fit the measurement points into the Section Draw window.

step_24sec_show_section_help_24 Help will open the Help Manual.

step_24Meas Value displays the value of the measurement (same as Meas distance from Gap/Flush Measure Creation dialog).

step_24Nom Value displays the measurement value in the last nominal build position.

step_24Ok will save the last settings made in the Section Draw dialog.


step_24Summary will open a dcs_temporary.txt file (using Notepad), and list all parameters for the newly created measurement. Select File/Save As to save the data in text format.

step_24Cancel button will close the Section Draw dialog, without applying any changes.



B.) Open an existing section

step_24Go to the Navigation window and RH-click a single measurement and select show_section_24 Show Section option. This will open the Section Draw dialog for the selected measurement. To show all sections for a part or assembly, RH-click on the part's measurement group and select show_section_all_24 Show All Meas Sections. This will open one Section Draw dialog for each measurement in the list.

Note: Use the DVTI_dcsDeviate Deviate button to view the parts deviating in the Section Draw windows.



C.) Add sectioning information to an existing measurement

step_24Open the measurement dialog for which a section is going to be created, and locate the measurement points in the Graph window.

step_24Create a section using the gap_flush_measure_24 Gap/Flush Measure Creation dialog. It is recommended to create the section close to the points included in the existing measurement.




step_24In the Section Draw dialog (opened from the Measurement dialog using ShowSectionDraw button), click sec_read_3d_section Read 3D Section from Graph Window. This will read the information from the current section displayed in the graph window. This information will be saved for the selected measurement.

step_24Click sec_force_3d_section_on_pts Force 3D Section on Points to position the section through the existing measurement points. This new created section is passing through existing measurement points, and will be saved for the selected measurement. The Meas Value in the Section Draw window is the same with the Current value in the Measure dialog.

