Save Management

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Save Management

The DVTI_dcsSavehsf Save Management window allows the user to save HSF files to a new location while maintaining links to the current model.

The ability to save piece parts, sub-assemblies or complete assemblies is available by checking the appropriate box.

The file path for where the part is saved is shown after the name. If the parts move to a new directory then the file path must be updated, using the Browse button.





The Propagate Directory menu button allows the user to apply the file path of any given file to be the same path as the rest of the files in the tree. When saving the files at the same, original location, the Propagate Directory will open a Overwrite the file? dialog for each HSF file in the model. The user has the option to overwrite the HSF file by choosing YES, or keep the original file by choosing No. The Apply To All check-box will overwrite all HSF file, without prompting the user to make a choice for each file.