<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Tutorials > 3DCS FEA Compliant Modeler Tutorials > CM Rail Training > Completed FEA CM Model Review |
This section is a brief review of the final CM model including visualizing the effects of compliant moves and animation.
Open CMRailTraining from your Creo_CM_Tutorial folder.
The Tutorial files and the Example Models are found in the following default directories:
C:\Users\Public\Documents\DCS\3DCS_All Platforms_8_0_0_1\Tutorials\All Platforms_CM_Tutorial
•Click Update Model
•Expand the Measures list under CMRailAsm in the tree to view the current measurements in the model. There are 12 measurements.
•Nominal Build the model. Click Validate to check if there are any errors in the model.
• Double-click on measurement AsmFix_2_Base_gap_A4 to open its Point Distance Measurement dialog box.
•Click [Direction] to see the two features being measured between in the graphics window. Click [Close].
3.2.3 Note that the Current value is 1.30mm; nominal gap is actually 5.0mm.
3.3 Expand the Moves list under the Navigation tree to view the current moves. There are 20 compliant moves and 3 rigid moves in the model.
3.3.1 Click through each move to familiarize yourself with the necessary features of the chosen compliant moves.
3.3.2 Separate the parts using the Separate button.
3.3.3 Click on the Animation icon and scroll through the moves by clicking the
Double-Arrows. Click [OK] to close the Animation Window.
3.4 Show Mesh icon should be turned on.
3.5 Click Deviate to observe the deviating meshes on the separated model parts. Click [Close] to stop the deviation.
3.6 Click Nominal Build.
3.7 Try Deviating the model now and note the deviation of the assembly. Click [Close] when finished to close the deviation dialog box.
3.10 Click Nominal Build and
Run Analysis. A simulation results window will open when the analysis run is completed.
3.12 Close the model without saving.
This tutorial will guide you through the process of duplicating the model you have just reviewed. You will create moves (using the FEA Compliant Modeler toolbar) to build a flexible assembly of parts.