Rigid Body Review

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Rigid Body Review

I. Rigid Model Summary

Completed model of an Exhaust Assembly consisting of Manifold, Pipe, Muffler, Engine_Body_Ref-Exhaust, and Fixture_Pipe-Muffler.

The assembly has one stage, all parts being included in the ExhaustAsm.

First open the model called ExhaustAsm_rigid.





All points that will be used in compliant moves are already in the model. There are extra points created on the parts used to approximate the part's deformation, based on their displacement. These points are linked to FEA mesh nodes and because their only purpose is to properly deform the part, they are hidden. For better visualization it is recommended that the linked modeling points will be evenly distributed over the surface of the part. Increasing the number of linked points will increase the deformation accuracy for the entire part.




1. Manifold_->_Engine (Three-Point) - Locate the Manifold to the Engine_Body_Ref-Exhaust, using a Three-Point, a rigid body move.

2. Atch_bolts_Manifold_->_Engine (Pattern Rigid) - Float Manifold holes to Engine bolts - 5 pairs, using Pattern - fixed fastener, a rigid body move.

3. Fixture_->_Body (Three-Point) - Locate the Fixture_Pipe-Muffler to the Body, using  a Three-Point, a rigid body move.

4. Pipe_->_Fixture (Three-Point) - Temporary locate the Pipe to the Fixture

5. Muffler_->_Fixture (Three-Point- - Temporary locate the Muffler to the Fixture.




Part tolerances are included with the model.




Muffler_EndPt_x, y, z measures the displacement of the EndPt on Muffler.

    Muffler_Hook_x, y, z measures the displacement of the Hook point on Muffler.


1.1. DVTI_dcsNominalBuild Nominal Build  the model and use the DVTI_Run_Analysis Run Analysis, Monte Carlo Analysis only function, to run one sample. Then scroll through the measurements to see the Nominal values. All 6 gap measurements have zero value.

1.2 Save the model as ExhaustAsm




Below is a summary of the nominal values of the measurements, prior to any compliant modeling implementation.

