Final Assembly Tutorial

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Final Assembly Tutorial

XXII. Final Assembly Overview


The complete model has two stages:

CMRailAsm - includes the moves that assembled the two rails and the measures we followed so far.

CMRailTraining is moving and locating the assembly to a Checking Fixture. There will be two compliant moves and two measures created at this level.


22.1 Open CMRailTraining.wtx

23.2 Activate move Locate_CMRailAsm_2_CheckFix.

22.3 Activate measures Upper_Base_Contact1_Y and Upper_Base_Contact2_Y.

22.4 DVTI_dcsNominalBuild Nominal Build the model. The whole assembly (minus the AsmFixture) moves to the CheckFix.

22.5 Create a LockDOF move for Base points B_Base and C_Base named "LockDOF_Base_hole/slot". Lock B_Base in X-dir and Y-dir. Lock C_Base only in Y-dir.

22.6 Create a Clamp move named "Clamp_CMRailAsm_2_AsmFix_A1-A3". Base points A1_Base, A2_Base and A3_Base will be clamped to CheckFix points A1_Base, A2_Base and A3_Base using Target Associate direction and Hard (All DOF) joining type.

22.7 Save the model.