Add Update Publications

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Add Update Publications

DVTI_dcsAddPublication Add/Update Publications allows users to create Publications Shrinkwrap features to create links with the CAD. Importing a WTX will use the Publications Shrinkwrap features to re-establish links with the CAD. Users would be able to avoid using Feature Linking Wizard to link the features.




1.Located under Open 3DCS File, select DVTI_dcsAddPublication Add/Update Publications. The same function can also be found in the 3DCS drop-down menu arrowDCS Save/Load arrowDCS DVTI_dcsAddPublication Add/Update Publications.

2.Select the root assembly; a part or assembly can also be selected. Features that are in 3DCS will create Publications Shrinkwrap features at the selected level.



Best Practices: Moving 3DCS Models from CATIA V5 to 3DEXPERIENCE

To move CATIA V5 models with 3DCS data, you will need to save a WTX file and the CATIA V5 assembly..


Start from opening a model in CATIA V5:

1.Load or switch to the 3DCS workbench.

2.SelectDVTI_dcsSaveWT3 Export 3DCS File to save a WTX file.

3.Select DVTI_dcsAddPublication Add/Update Publications to create assembly Publications in CATIA V5 and that can be used in 3DEXPERIENCE.

4.Using Save Management, save a copy of the model in a new folder location (this will be converted)