VBlock Routine (dcu_vblock.dll)

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VBlock Routine (dcu_vblock.dll)

The purpose of the V_BlockCtrMove routine is to allow a circular object to be placed in a V-block.


Within this Section:

V-Block Center Move (V_BlockCtrMove)




Required Inputs:

Object Points:

ObjPt1: This point is the center of a circular feature. The point may, or may not, have a diameter associated with it.

Target Points:

TarPt1: The first target surface that the object circle will be tangent to.

TarPt2: The second target surface that the object circle will be tangent to.

TarPt3: A point with a diameter associated with it. This diameter is used to calculate the tube locator point.


Dir1: The vector normal to the surface defined by TarPt1.

Dir2: The vector normal to the surface defined by TarPt2.

Dir3: The vector along the axis of the circle (cylinder) to be moved to the V-block.

Parts List: The parts listed in this section will be moved based on the object point being translated to a point that is the (radius) distance from the two surfaces on the V block.



The output is the new position of the object when ObjPt1 is translated to the calculated target point. ObjPt1 will be the tube radius from the target surfaces on the V-Block defined by the target points.


hmtoggle_arrow1 Move Logic