NX General Information

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NX General Information

3DCS is deeply integrated into Siemens PLM Systems: NX. The following topics highlight some of the main integration areas.  Please note these topics display NX functions. Refer to the NX Help Documentation for more in-depth information


Related Topics:

Frequently Asked Questions using NX




Creating or Loading NX Files



Load Options

Using the History



Inserting a New or Existing Model

New NX File

Add Existing Part

CAD Geometry



Saving files


Save As

Save All


NX Tools

Creating Measures

Creating Points


Reordering NX Part Navigator

Duplicate or Mirror parts




Other topics

Mouse and Keyboard controls

Setting Reference Set

Tabs and Applications

Settings: Utilities and Preferences




Frequently Asked questions:


What versions of NX does 3DCS support?

3DCS supports versions NX9, NX10, NX11, and NX 12; as well as the Continuous Releases.


Does 3DCS work with Teamcenter?

Yes, 3DCS data will be stored at the top-level assembly.


How to best use NX constraints?

Users can utilize NX Constraints in 3DCS by using DVTI_dcsSearchMoveConst Extract Constraint.

Both 3DCS Moves and NX Constraints will attempt to control the location of the model. Deactivating the Constraints will ensure 3DCS will build the model correctly with 3DCS moves.


Why doesn't the parts move using Move Component?

Parts may not be moving due to the assembly having Constraints active.

Note: If the user isn't using any Arrangements, we suggest to deactivate the assembly constraints.


Why do the parts move together, even though they're different parts?

The parts in NX may be an instance part of the original part. Either part that is selected in the Move Parts lists may move together.

Users will need to set the Instance part to Override Position. This will allow the individual parts to be located individually, regardless of where the original parts move to.


Do we need to create arrangements in NX to use with 3DCS?

No, but they will be useful using with 3DCS. Such as separating the model and build 3DCS moves, it is a good modeling practice to create a Separate and Built Arrangement to switch between.

1.Open the Arrangements Dialog

2.Create a new Arrangement and name it as Nominal (if built position); double-click to make to active.

3.From the Assembly Navigator, right click all the constraints excluding the override constraints and set as Arrangement Specific.

4.Again open the Arrangement Dialog create a new arrangement and name it separate. Double click on it to make it Active.

5.Now in the Assembly navigator uncheck all the Constraints and move the parts as desired. This will be the model’s separated or exploded position.

6.Open the Assembly navigator and try to toggle between the newly created arrangements just by double clicking on the name, notice the constraints getting activated and deactivated depending on the selection.

7.Selecting any Arrangement and executing Update model, 3DCS will pick that Model position as the DCS Separated Position.