Deviate to Offset

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Deviate to Offset

The DVTI_dcsDeviateToOffset Deviate To Offset function will set the features to their offset locations defined in the tolerances. This function is useful when there are mean shifts within the model.


If the assembly is in Separate position only the features with an offset tolerance will be repositioned. If the assembly is in Nominal Build position, the model will rebuild to the offset feature locations.




For example, Pt1 in the brown part has a tolerance with a 5 mm offset and the point is used as a target point in a move to position the blue part.


Parts in Separated Position

Pt1 will be repositioned 5.0 mm along the vector specified in the tolerance box.






b) Parts in Nominal Build: Pt1 will be repositioned 5.0 mm along the vector specified in the tolerance box.  The blue part is moved to the new location of Pt1.  

