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This function generates a polyline approximation of an entity. This is to be used when entities are imported into 3DCS that are not in point and line format. For example, a circle will be divided into a number of equal straight line segments, or a line will be divided into a number of equal segments. The total number of segments can be changed. As the number of segments increases, the polyline gets closer and closer to the actual entity shape. This additional number of entities increase the database size, though, and can slow down the system. You are advised to use your own judgment in deciding the total number of points. The original entity is left untouched and can be deleted later if necessary.
•Click on Geometry Modify
DCS Entities.
•This brings up the Click Graph window dialog box displaying Edit Entity.
•Go to the Graph window and click on any of the points belonging to the entity to be edited.
•If the point selected belongs to more than one entity, the Sel One dialog box will come up. Select the appropriate entity that is to be edited and click on OK.
•This displays the Edit Entity dialog box with the default number of polyline segments. Change the number as you feel necessary.
•Once the number has been edited, click on OK to set the defined parameters. Cancel escapes the command.
•You can click on Show to see the new polyline entity that will be created. This entity will be shown in gray color.
•The Delete This Ent button deletes the entities you have just created (An Undo Function).
•If you alter the view, click on Again to show the polyline again, or close to go back to the Edit Entity dialog box.
Also See: Delete Entities