Display legacy labels: Toggle to switch between the Legacy Labels or Annotations in the graphics for 3DCS features, points, MTMs and GD&T.
Label zooming: Sets the size of labels pertaining to either Screen or the Parts. (Only for new Annotations setting).
•Constant size: The labels are not zoom-able and remain screen sized in the graphics window
•Zoom with model: Labels will remain one size; the user can zoom in and out of the labels.
Label font size: Edits the font size of the MTM, Contributor, Point, Feature and Analysis Window fonts. (Default is set to 3; Only for new Annotations setting).
Maximum labels to show: Adjust the amount of highlighted labels when selecting an MTM and GD&T in the tree, or from Show Features function in the MTM and GD&T dialogs. Allowing more labels to be shown may reduce performance. Default is set to 50 labels. (Only for new Annotations setting).
Background Color and Transparency: Sets the background color and transparency of the labels. (Only for new Annotations setting).
Arrow zooming: Sets the size of arrows pertaining to either Screen or the Parts. (For both Legacy Labels and Annotation settings)
•Constant size: The arrows are not zoom-able and remain screen sized in the graphics window
•zoom with model: Arrows will remain one size; the user can zoom in and out of the labels.
Arrow length: Set the total length of arrows drawn in annotations. (For both Legacy Labels and Annotation settings)
Arrowhead length: Set the length of arrowheads in arrows drawn in annotations. (For both Legacy Labels and Annotation settings)
Note: Both Arrow length and Arrowhead length will be displayed with units