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3DCS allows the user to set their own configuration parameters. These custom parameters are set in the Preferences dialog. To access the 3DCS Preferences select DVTI_dcsOptions Preferences, located on the 3DCS Tools toolbar. All of the settings will come from the Config file first. Any changes made to the MTM Defaults, for example, will be saved to the Config file.


Within this sections:




Model Settings

Tolerance/Distribution defaults

MTM Defaults


Alias Display

Spreadsheet Read/Write

Other Settings:

Color Contour

Generate Report

DCS Converter

Translator Options



Common functions


Reset All Defaults: Will going to reset the default values in the entire dialog box.

Reset settings on this page: Will going to reset the default values in the active tab.

Search: User can type in the setting option to find it from the Categories.


Hot Keys will now work for Preference dialog. Esc will close the dialog and Ctrl+F will activate the Search Bar.