Report Features

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Report Features

To get started, the report structure consists of Move, Tolerance, and Measure views; Cover Page, Summary Page, and part or assembly notes. The user can edit these features to improve the overall look and feel of their report.


While the report can include all aspects of the model, each specific feature can be activated or deactivated; images re-sized for clarity; as well as report detail modifications.



In this section:

Report Pages

Report Images

Analysis Availability

Picture Size

Report Details


MTM Views

Report Pages





DVTI_dcsReportGen DVTI_CoverNotes DVTI_ModelNotes DVTI_PartNotes


The Report Pages consist of the Cover Image and Cover Page, the Model Summary and the Part Notes. Each can be edited by the user by right-clicking on a part or assembly, and selecting either Model Summary, Cover Page, or Part Notes. There is also Analysis Page consisting of the Monte Carlo analysis, Contributor Analysis, GeoFactor Equation-Based images; Tolerance page consisting of feature information and tolerance distribution. The Generate Report dialog displays all the pages, images and analysis results, which can then be activated or deactivated.


Models that contain imbedded GD&T or PMI won't display in the GD&T in the images.

The users can add images or drawings to the part notes or, a Tolerance or GD&T note.


Cover Image: Applies the view of the model, exactly shown in the graphics window, on the cover page of the report. When generating a final report, modify the view of the model. It's good practice to Nominal Build to display the assembled model, and shown in an Isometric view. The Cover Image can be edited or replaced within the HTML folder, or deactivated to only show the Cover Page text.

DVTI_CoverNotes Cover Page: The Cover Page can be edited in 3DCS but cannot be deactivated. This page is the initial page of the report, along with the Cover Image.

DVTI_ModelNotes Model Summary: The Model Summary is a page that summarizes the model information. The Model Summary can be edited through the Analysis Toolbar, under Generate Report sub-menu, or by right-clicking on a part, assembly or root nodes. If no previous Model Summary exists in the model, a template will be displayed when this option is selected. This template can be modified as needed by the user.

DVTI_PartNotes Part Note: Part Notes are individual notes for each part users can create in Word or Google Doc.

Report Images setup:

Moves, tolerances, measures, and GD&T all contain views that the user can use and edit to display in their model's report. The images can be activated or deactivated to hide or show the images in the report.

On: will activate the page for the respective list. For example, turning off GD&T will remove the GD&T page from the report.

Image: will display the image in the report. Turning this option off will hide the images in the model, deactivating the other options in the list(s).

Zoom on Part: this option will zoom into the part while activate. Deactivating this option will zoom the images into the MTM's point or vector direction, regardless of the part's size.

Hide Parts not in MTM: this option will hide parts that are not within the MTM's object or target lists.

Analysis Availability:

A Report can be created before or after Simulation has been generated. If no Simulation is available, only images, Model Summary, Cover Page and Parts Notes will be visible in the Report. After running a Monte Carlo analysis, Contributor Analysis, GeoFactor Equation-Based can be activated or deactivated, which will remove the Monte Carlo analysis, Contributor Analysis, GeoFactor Equation-Based images and tabs.

Picture Size:

Picture size generation and visualization can be modified by this section. The X and Y values determine the overall width and height respectively of each picture (X=600 and Y=400, by default), which is based on pixels. The minimum width value that can be entered in 200. A warning pops up if user enters a value lesser than this.

Use Viewer Size: Generates each image to full screen size.

White Background: Use a white background for the images when active or the current background color when deactive.


Report Type:

Users can create a different file type to display a report. The types of files are HTML, Microsoft Excel, Word, Power Point or Google Workspace. Power Point Reports can be edited before, to add a company water mark, background images, or move around the template images, etc.; and after to move the Monte Carlo analysis, Contributor Analysis, GeoFactor Equation-Based or other Report generated images.


Report Details:

The report can offer a clean looking report. The Header and Footer offer additional information throughout the whole report. Activate and then type in text that will be visible on all pages of the report.

Other Commands:

The following pages are not editable by the user but can be activated or deactivated in the report:

Component Information: Graphs the 3DCS information for each part, listing how many points, features, tolerances, moves and measures each part has.

Tree Structure: Displays the assembly tree structure of the model.

Action Tree: Lists each part's and assembly's moves, tolerances, and measures with a link to each feature within the report.