Applying GD&T on the Turnlamp

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Applying GD&T on the Turnlamp

Last we will add GD&T to the Turnlamp. You will do this section on your own without instructions for every step.


Turnlamp Drawing - 7810


Click the DVTI_gdtlist GD&Ts button then select the Turnlamp.

Create a Datum Feature GD&T named "A_Datum_Features" with the three surfaces highlighted in the image below. These surfaces are the A datum features in the print.


Turnlamp A Datum Features


The completed GD&T dialog should look like the image below. Your CadSurf numbers may be different.


L5 MC GD&T TurnLp Datum A Dialog Complete


Create a Size GD&T named "Size_Pin_B" for the B datum pin.


7601 Turnlamp Drawing B Size - NoPre


The completed GD&T dialog should look like the image below.


L5 MC GD&T TurnLp Size B Dialog Complete


Create a Datum Feature GD&T named "B_Datum_Feature" for the B datum pin. The completed GD&T dialog should look like the image below.


L5 MC GD&T TurnLp Datum B Dialog Complete


Create a Size GD&T named "Size_Pin_C" for the C datum pin.


7601 Turnlamp Drawing C Size - NoPre


The completed GD&T dialog should look like the image below.


L5 MC GD&T TurnLp Size C Dialog Complete


Create a Datum Feature GD&T named "C_Datum_Feature" for the C datum pin. The completed GD&T dialog should look like the image below.


L5 MC GD&T TurnLp Datum C Dialog Complete


Create a Size GD&T named "Size_Clearance_Pin" and a Position GD&T named "Position_Clearance_Pin" for the clearance pin (the upper, inboard pin).


7601 Turnlamp Drawing Pin Size and Position - NoPre 7601 Turnlamp Clearance Pin Highlight


The completed GD&T dialog should look like the image below. Your CadSurf number may be different.


L5 MC GD&T TurnLp Clear Pin Dialog Complete


Create a Surface Profile GD&T named "Surface_Profile" for TL_TrimSurface of the Turnlamp.


7601 Turnlamp Drawing Surface Profile - NoPre 7601 Turnlamp Trim Surface Highlight


The completed GD&T dialog should look like the image below.


L5 MC GD&T TurnLp Surface Profile Dialog Complete


The complete list of GD&Ts should look like the following image.


L5 MC GD&T Turnlp Dialog Complete


If the mesh is off, click on DVTI_dcsShowMesh Show Mesh to turn the mesh on.

Go to DVTI_dcsVisuMode Creation Mode if not already there.

Click the DVTI_dcsDeviate Deviate button.

Zoom in on the Turnlamp to inspect the deviating features.

Click [Close] in the Deviate dialog after you have verified the features are deviating as expected.

Rename the new pin feature (the upper, inboard pin) in the Turnlamp according to the image below.


L5 GD&T TurnLp Clearance Pin


Save the model.