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The purpose of the
There are two ways in which the Transform move can be applied:
1.To the entire Parts: Translate or Rotate by Measure, by Value, or by Random Value.
2.To individual Points: Translate or Rotate by Measure, or by Value.
a)Rotate - rotates parts or points around an axis by the set value.
i.Center - sets the selected point or feature as the center of rotation. If using a Feature, one target cylindrical feature is required for rotating an axis.
b)Translate - translates parts along a vector by the current set value.
2.What is transformed - activate one radio button or the other:
a)Parts - entire parts are translated or rotated.
b)Points - individual points are translated or rotated while the parent part remains unaffected.
3.Input used to set the amount of translation or rotation for the entire part or for individual point(s):
a)Measurement - the current value of the selected measure.
b)Value - a specified, constant value.
c)Random Value - a variable range instead of a constant number. The user can select a distribution type and add an offset if needed.
4.Directions - to set the direction for translation or the axis of rotation. Each point can have its own direction (using the Multiple Directions check-box). Parts can use only one common direction. Direction options are: Type In, Two Pt, Normal, PickPtDir, and Auto.