Types of Moves

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Types of Moves

3DCS contains many move routines to give users the ability to model a large range of assembly processes. This document divides move routines groups based on frequency of use and briefly defines the routines.



Move Types


DVTI_step Step Plane Move

A 3-2-1 locating move. Requires all primary locators to be parallel but allows a "step" (offset) between them. Requires both secondary locators to be parallel but allows a "step" (offset) between them. Can automatically calculate perpendicular vectors for the primary, secondary, and tertiary planes.

DVTI_6pln Six-Plane Move

A 3-2-1 locating move. Uses a different plane to restrict each degree of freedom, therefore the primary locators can be non-parallel and the secondary locators can be non-parallel. A Six-Plane move can duplicate many other move routines, such as the Step Plane move.

Best-Fit_icon Best-Fit Move

The Best-Fit move is similar to the Six-Plane move except that it can have more than six pairs of locators defined. Like the Six-Plane move, each pair of locators needs a direction defined.  Then, each object feature is best-fit to each target plane. Each target plane is defined by the target feature and the direction.

DVTI_featmove Feature Move

Create Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary planes through selected features and then aligns the planes on the object part to the target part.

DVTI_pattern Pattern Move

Floats a part on a set of parallel hole-pin pairs. Used with over-constrained assembly parts.

DVTI_2pt Two Point Move

Aligns a part on a line or axis. Only defines 5 degrees of freedom. Used with radial symmetric parts, such as placing a long pin in a hole.  

DVTI_3pt Three Point Move

A 3-2-1 locating move. Three points form the Primary Plane, the first two points also define the Secondary plane, and the first point is also the Tertiary locator.

DVTI_match Match Move

Rotates a part around an axis. Will set a gap to a target.

ThermalScaling_icon Thermal Scaling

Thermal Scaling move is designed to apply linear expansion or contraction to parts based on the Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE) and the change in temperature

DVTI_userdll User DLL Move

Allows the user to link a separate move routine in a DLL file to 3DCS. 3DCS includes several DLL files with separate move routines.  Please see the Add-In DLLs and Extra DLLs Sections for descriptions.

DVTI_iterate Iteration Move

A powerful, complex move with various modes. This move can translate parts, rotate parts, repeat a series of moves until a measure is in-spec, or re-float a move.

Pattern-Fit_icon Pattern-Fit Move

The Pattern-Fit move is designed to rearrange multiple parts relative to the fixed parts and relative to each other, by using hole/pin Hole Sets and point to point Constraint Pairs.

Transform_icon Transform move

The purpose of the Transform move is to allow parts or features/points to be translated or rotated by a specific amount. This amount can be a specified as a constant value, a random value, or a calculated value from a measurement.

AutoBend_icon Autobend

The purpose of the Auto Bend move is to handle components and assemblies that are over-constrained on the primary plane, using some automated rigid-body methods.

DVTI_rtouch R-Touch Move

Rotates a part around an axis. Will touch one point of a set to a target.

rotline_mv_24 Rotate Line Move

Rotates a part around an axis. Will set two lines parallel.

gravity_mv_24 Gravity Move

Floats a part on hole-pin pairs in a specified direction.

lsqaxis_mv_24 Least Square Axis Move

Uses two points to find the least squares axis through a group of points.

Line-Plane Move Icon 16x16 Line-Plane Move

Is a type of move used when a part has to be moved to a plane and controlled on the plane by the intersection of a line and the plane and another point on the plane.




3-2-1 Move: Suggested Moves: Step Plane or Six Plane moves.

Three Plane move: Suggested Moves: Feature Move.

Plane-Plane move: Suggested Moves: Feature Move.