<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Analysis Modeling > Measures > Measurement Generator |
Measure Generator - can be useful for creating multiple Measurements at once, which can improve model efficiency and organization.
1.Under Measures list, select
Measure Generator. This will activate the Measure Generator dialog box.
2.Select [Select Features] to select any number points
3.Select either Point-Nominal or Point to Point measurement-types
4.Select any/all directions
5.Multi-Select (Shift + left mouse button) the features in the Feature List and select [--Add-->]
6.Multi-Select the measures in the Measure List and [Apply]
•Select Part: Select this button and then click a part in the tree. All points in that part will be added in the Feature List.
•Select Feature: Select this button and then click individual points or Features from the graphics or the tree to add them to the Feature List.
•Remove: Removes the highlighted entity in the Feature List.
•Clear Features: Removes all entities from the Feature List.
•Along X, Y and Z axes direction: A measurement will be created in each direction and defined with "_X, _Y, _Z" in the name.
•Diameter (if exists): will create a Diameter Measurement, if the point is a Feature of Size. Labeled with "_D".
•Associated Vector: will create a measurement (Point-Nominal or Point to Point) using the points vector direction and labeling it with "_A".
oUnless otherwise specified, each measurement will be created as Projected on Vector. Users can specify the direction as Projected on Plane .
•Upper Spec. Limit and Lower Spec. Limit: Specification limits specified for each created Measurement.
•Prefix: A character prefix added to each created measurement. If this field is blank, each created Measurement will be named the same as the DCS Point name followed by its measured direction.
•Description: This description will be added to each created measure.
•--Add-->: Selecting this button adds Measures to the Measure List from all highlighted features in the Feature List.
oIf the Only Tol or Move Pts check-box is selected, then features not used in any move or tolerance will be skipped.
•Apply: Select this button to create measures from all highlighted measure names in the Measure List.
•Remove: Remove measure names from the Measure List
•Clear Measures: Removes all names from the Measure List
•Create Measures in: Creates the Measurements in this part. Click the Change button to select a different part from the assembly tree.
•Help: Opens the Help Manual at the Measure Generator page.
•OK: Closes the Measure Generator window. If any measure names are remaining in the Measure List when selecting OK, the user will be asked if they wish to create Measurements from the remaining names.
Notes:Measure Requirements - Creating measures to use in CMMDev or DCSDB2 files are required to have "_X, _Y, _Z" in the names for linear measures, and "_D" for Circle Diameter measures. |