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•Automatically select mesh nodes that are the closest to the modeling points and create a separate set of nodes in an updated mesh file. •Add keywords in the updated mesh file that are needed to generate stiffness, mass and thermal load files. •Create the stiffness, mass and thermal load files by calling the FEA solver (e.g. Nastran.exe) The steps to create the updated input deck and stiffness matrix, using StiffGen are:•Use an FEA Pre-processor to create a mesh file that includes information for nodes, elements, type of mesh, thickness (for shell mesh), type of material, and material properties: Young's Modulus, Poisson's Ratio, Density, and Expansion Coefficient (for Thermal analysis). •Use StiffGen to automatically select the closest mesh node to each modeling point (already created in the 3DCS model). The initial mesh file will be used to select these nodes and add them to a node set, which is then listed towards the end of the updated mesh file. •The updated mesh file will then be run through FEA Post-processor (solver) to generate the reduced stiffness, mass, and load matrices. Notes:1. Only 3DOF stiffness matrix can be created for solid mesh (the rotations being constrained by the mesh itself). 2. If two or more modeling (part) points are coincident or very close to each other, they will be assigned the same mesh node (ASET). 3. All part points will be included in the creation of the reduced stiffness matrix, whether the points are active or not.
•Select the •Select one of the parts for which a mesh file and/or a stiffness matrix, a mass matrix or a thermal file will be generated. More parts can be selected to create the Stiffness Matrix and other referenced files. •Add an external mesh to be updated with the set of nodes closest to the modeling points for each part. •Select the units used to generate the mesh file in the [Mesh file units] fields. •Select the FE Solver using [Select FEA Tools] button. •Select file types to be generated and click [Generate FEA File for the Selected Part]. •Click [View Mesh File], [View Stiffness File], [View Mass File], or [View Thermal File] to see the specified file. •Click [Copy Files to Model Directory] button if you want to move the generated files to model directory folder. •Click the [Global Disp] button if you wish to output the global displacement. •Click [Close] to close the Stiffness Generating Dialog box. Use FEA Point Linking to verify if all the modeling points are linked to FEA nodes.
Add Part: Adds a part(s) from the tree or graph window.
Delete Part: Deletes a part(s) from the list.
Add/Replace Ext Mesh File: Adds the mesh file for the selected part. Pick the original mesh file created by a FEA pre-processor.
Mesh file units: The user must select the same units were used in the FEA software.
In StiffGen you have to select the units for Length, Force and Mass (when generating the mass matrix). These are the same units that were used to create the mesh file. Available units are: ofor Length: meter, millimeter, inch. ofor Force: Newton, milliNewton, pound-force. ofor Mass: kilogram, gram, pound, tonne, slinch ▪Slinch is an English unit of mass equal to 12 slugs (386.088 pounds-mass), that accelerates by 1 inch per second squared (1 in/s²) when a force of one pound-force (lbf) is exerted on it. Data Reference: can be used to look at a sample value for Density and Young's Modulus.
Select FEA ToolsExecutable file (*.EXE file) This command allows the user to select the FE Solver installed on your computer that will be used to generate the FEA files. A different solver can be selected for each part, to generate the matrix files based on the mesh type. The solver will be an executable file such as abq6141.exe, or Nastran.exe. Batch file (*.bat file) This command allows the user to select a batch file which can be used to call the FE Solver installed on the server. An initial batch file is needed with the information about the FEA solver on the server. This batch file will then be edited and used to submit the mesh files over the server.
ASET DOF: Allows selecting between 3DOF (123 - translations only) and 6DOF (123456 - translations and rotations) for creation of stiffness, mass and load matrices.
Remove Temp FilesThis check-box is inactive by default. When FEA matrices are generated a set of files that accompany the mesh, stiffness, mass, and thermal files are also created. By checking this box these extra files will be automatically removed at the end of the process. The purpose is to free up computer space since some of these files can be quite large. Generate FEA Files for the selected partMesh File - is updated with the set of nodes that are linked to modeling points. Commands are added to the Mesh file to create the Matrix files. No other changes are made to the original mesh file. Stiffness Matrix - when checked is going to create a reduced stiffness matrix for the set of nodes that were added to the mesh file. Mass Matrix - when checked will create a mass matrix (used in the Gravity move) for the set of nodes that were added to the mesh file. Thermal Load - when checked will generate the Thermal Load file for the part or points listed in the Thermal Move. You need a thermal move created in the model before you can create a Thermal Load file in StiffGen.
Copy Files to Model Directory: This command copies the Mesh and Matrix files from the default directory where they are created to the model directory. If more than one part is selected, all parts will be copied to the model directory.
View Mesh File, View Stiffness File, View Mass File, View Thermal File: This command will open the generated file in a Notepad or WordPad format for viewing. The mesh file will be updated with ASETs.
Global Disp (or RH-menu Run Global Displacement...)This function creates a displacement file(*.dat) which includes value of displacement for each mesh node (translations and rotations). The displacement is based on the nominal or any other build position of the part. The *.dat file can be created for each compliant part. You would need a Mesh file to use this feature. The output file is also created; this file can be opened in Abaqus and deformation can be measured and visualized. This option is only available for the Abaqus solver at this time.
Other RH-menu functions: Part Info... provides information for the selected part including local and global coordinate system, loaded mesh file, part's MTMs and also what MTMs are using the part. Save Pt screen... creates a file that saves the screen coordinates for all points in the part.
Summary: The Stiffness Matrix and FEA Mesh parameters with their calculated values are listed in the Summary file.
Help: The Help button is context sensitive; it will open the Help Manual at required topic page.
Close: This command will close the Stiffness Generating Dialog box.