<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Features and Operations > Features > Feature Wizard |
3DCS features may lose links to their respected surfaces for the following reasons: Changing the design of the part; moving a hole or pin position, replacing a part.
See also... |
1.Select the Feature Wizard.
2.Click the List All Features button to add all the features in the model.
3.Click the Auto Link button- the features will be linked by proximity to the CAD.
4.Unlinked features can be linked manually by selecting the Link Feature and then the corresponding CAD surface.
The 'Remesh if selecting same feature to link' should be kept active, otherwise the linked mesh will not overlap onto the linked CAD feature.
Search: Searches for features or parts with the defined name. For example: typing in CAD will search the list of all features with the word or letters of 'CAD' in the name. It will highlight the features with the name in the list and in the graphics window.
Filter: Only shows the features with with the word or text defined in the Filter field.
Show only unused features: This check box will filter and display only the features that doesn't have any affected items, which the user can delete all at once.
Re-frame: Selecting re-frame on a feature in the Lost Links list will zoom in or center the graph window onto the feature.
Feature Point Update: Importing a WTX may change the UV Plane or the geometry may change. The Feature Point Update option will use the UV Parameters saved in the model. The user can use the Projection option to project the feature point directly onto the surface at its current location.
List all Features: Even when all features are linked correctly, selecting [List All Features] will list all of the available features in the model allowing the user to relink them if needed.
Auto Link: Automatically links all the features in the list with a button click. Only works for planar, cylindrical, conical and spherical features.
Re-mesh if selecting the same Feature to link: If a feature is linked to an HSF, the mesh will be re-meshed, matching the new surface and part.
Notes:Users may see GD&T lists within the Feature Wizard. This will allow the user to select FT&A notes in the Navigation Tree or in the graphic space to relink the broken or missing links. This can occur when the user replaces a part in an assembly. (68934) |