Total Runout

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Total Runout

A DVTI_total_runout Total Runout GD&T is typically used to vary the location of a cylindrical Feature of Size such as a hole or pin, or vary the form of a planar surface relative to an axial DRF.


GD&T Total Runout Example


Creating Total Runout Procedure:

1.In the GD&Ts dialog, select DVTI_total_runout Total Runout in the drop-down list and select [Add GD&T]. This will open up the GD&T dialog.


GD&T Total Runout Dialog Empty


2.Underneath the Features list, select [Add].

3.Select the feature(s) whose location or form should be varied by this GD&T.

4.Click [OK][Close] in the Pick FeatureSelect dialog


At this point the GD&T dialog will pop back up. Notice that the features selected are now in the Features list in the top half of the dialog.


GD&T Total Runout Dialog Features


5.Enter the range in the text entry field.

6.Select a DRF, or From Nominal from the Datum Reference Frame drop-down. See Datum Reference Frames for more information about creating and using DRFs.

7.Select [OK] to exit the dialog and the save the GD&T.


How this GD&T Varies the Feature - Diametrical Feature:

In accordance with ASME or ISO standards, unlike with other GD&Ts within 3DCS the type of deviation for a DVTI_total_runout Total Runout GD&T is determined by the feature(s) selected and not be inputting a specific zone shape. For a diametrical feature in the Features list, the DVTI_total_runout Total Runout GD&T varies the location of the diametrical feature.

A sample diametrical feature with how a DVTI_total_runout Total Runout GD&T would commonly deviate it is shown below.

Note: While only a few deviated locations are shown below, the actual variations will use the entire specified zone.


GD&T Total Runout Pin Variation Iso
An isometric view of a pin with a Total Runout GD&T.


GD&T Total Runout Pin Variation Top
A top view of the same pin with a Total Runout GD&T.


Note: The default distribution setting for a DVTI_total_runout Total Runout GD&T with a diametrical feature is Right Skew. Because of how 3DCS internally handles 2D distributions, a Right Skew distribution will yield a Normal distribution if measured in any direction perpendicular to the axis of the varying feature. It is not recommended that the distribution is changed from Right Skew.


How this GD&T Varies the Feature - Planar Feature:

A DVTI_total_runout Total Runout GD&T when applied to a planar feature will instead deviate the form of the feature. When deviating form, each node on the feature will deviate independently of all other nodes on the surface.

A sample planar feature with how a DVTI_total_runout Total Runout GD&T would commonly deviate it is shown below.


GD&T Total Runout Planar Variation
A planar feature with a Total Runout GD&T applied to it.


A DVTI_total_runout Total Runout GD&T will only work with axial or planar features.