Using DLL Routines

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Using DLL Routines

To use a DLL and any of their Routines, the DLL library must first be loaded into the 3DCS session. Then a routine function is selected inside a user-DLL move, tolerance, or measure.  


This document assumes that the DLL library file has been created by compiling and linking with the 3DCS interface. For more information on creating the library file, see the document Creating Custom Routines in 3DCS.


Within this Section:

Loading a User DLL

Removing a loaded User DLL

Selecting a DLL Routine

Pre-loaded DLLs



hmtoggle_arrow1 Loading a DLL


hmtoggle_arrow1 Removing a DLL


hmtoggle_arrow1 Selecting a DLL Routine


hmtoggle_arrow1 Pre-loaded DLLs