Best-Fit Move

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Best-Fit Move

The Best-Fit_icon Best-Fit move offers three options to help find the optimal location for the object part(s) by minimizing the sum of the squares of the distances:

1. Projected on Vector (former X-Plane move (dcsMvMinDistFit)) - best-fits the object part(s) to a set of target parts along a vector set for each locating pair. Vector comes from the target points.

2. Projected on Plane (former Best Fit 2D (dcsMvLsqPlaneFit2D)) - best-fits the object part(s) to a set of target parts within a plane.  

3. True Distance (former Best Fit 3D (dcsMvLsqPlaneFit3D)) - best-fits the object part(s) to a set of target parts by minimizing the sum of the squared true distances between the paired object and target features.  That is, it treats each pair of locators as 6-way locators.


All these methods will constrain the part such that there may be clearance or interference at any or all locating pairs but the sum of the squares of the distances at all pairs is the minimum possible.



See Also...

Applying Moves

Common Parameters



Example Model:

C:\Users\Public\Documents\DCS\3DCS_All Platforms_8_0_0_1\3DCS CAD & Example Models\Reference Models\Moves\Best Fit move




hmtoggle_arrow1 Projected on Vector


hmtoggle_arrow1 Projected on Plane


hmtoggle_arrow0 True Distance

This routine best-fits the object part(s) to a set of target parts by minimizing the sum of the squared true distances between the paired object and target features.  That is, it treats each pair of locators as 6-way locators.


n object features

n target features

The object and target features must be paired. The pairs can be in any order.

Directions are ignored

At least one Move Part


The true distance between each object feature and its target feature is measured.

The object part will be best-fit by minimizing the sum of the squares of the distances.