Feature Move

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Feature Move

The DVTI_featmove Feature Move sets up an assembly by linking features on component parts. The move logic is similar to point based 3DCS moves, in that the user must specify a primary, secondary and tertiary feature(s). The feature move can be used without first creating points in the model. As features are chosen in the dialog, required points are automatically created on the parts.



Within this Topic:



Feature Move Cases


See Also:

Applying Moves

Common Parameters

Calculation Method

Example Models:

C:\Users\Public\Documents\DCS\3DCS_All Platforms_8_0_0_1\3DCS CAD & Example Models\Reference Models\Moves\Feature move




1.Select the assembly or sub-assembly to create the move.

2.Select the Object and Target features in corresponding pairs, starting with a Primary feature.

3.Choose the desired move Method. Default is Model Setting. (See Preferences - Model Settings for global setting details, and Calculation Method for more details about the calculation methods).

4.Select the Options button to add Conditions or Iterations.

5.The parts will automatically selected, after selecting the desired features. More parts can be added if more than two parts are used in the move.

6.Select OK to save the move and exit.


Orientation Control: Specifies the orientation of the Object part to the Target, designr_movorimate Primary or Secondary Surface Mate & designr_movoriflush Primary or Secondary Surface Flush. When switching from Mate to Flush for Primary or Secondary, the object part is rotated, based on the vector direction for the surface/feature used as a locator.


Options: Sets up Hole/Pin floats, Conditional or Iterative logic.


Method: Specifies the calculation method which the move will use to locate the features. (See the Calculation Method page for more information).

Model Setting - Default Feature Move and GD&T setting. If the Plane Calculation changes in the Preferences, all Feature Moves and GD&T set with Default model setting will use the Preferences setting. Each Feature Move and GD&T can independently be set to a different Calculation Method setting.


Primary Object Features and Targets: Feature(s) used for primary control.

Secondary Object Features and Targets: Feature(s) used for secondary control.

Tertiary Object Features and Targets: Feature(s) used for tertiary control.                

Move Parts: The part(s) that will move in the assembly.                


Feature Move Logic: The object is translated or rotated to locate each successive feature to its corresponding target feature. As each feature is located, degrees of freedom are constrained. If the move is not completely set-up, the assembly will be partially constrained.



If an Object or a Target is defined as multiple features, the Geometric Center will be calculated as the average of the individual Geometric centers of each feature, and the Deviated Plane/Axis Direction will be calculated as the average of individual Target features directions.

