<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Analysis Output > Graphical Analysis > Color Contour > Color Contour Options |
The shading function color codes the level of variation in parts and/or assembly during deviation. For every build, the part or assembly is shaded based on its current position from nominal. In a color map, the maximum variation (critical areas or areas furthest from nominal) are colored red while minimum variation (noncritical areas or areas closer to nominal) are shaded blue.
The requirements to using Color Contour in 3DCS: the user will need to have at least one tolerance or GD&T active, and at least one move. A measurement is required to see the Simulation output with Color Contour.
In this section: |
TopicsDeviation Direction |
1.Click on the Hide/Show Color Contour Shading in the 3DCS Display toolbar. To activate Color Contour for parts, use the Edit Part dialog or for all parts and assemblies use the MTM On/Off.
2.Click Nominal Build. Parts will turn blue and the Legend will display on the screen.
3.Click on Deviate. The Legend will then show Deviation as the title. Once the user runs a
Simulation, the Legend's title will then display % Out of Spec.
Mesh Position Based option color maps the solid surface mesh (known as the nominal mesh) based on the difference between their current vertex coordinates and their nominal vertex coordinates. This mode does not require 3DCS points/features.
Nominal Mesh Only: If checked, the nominal mesh will be shaded.
Analysis Mesh Only: If checked, near-by vertexes of analysis mesh containing 3DCS entities such as circles, lines, and features will be shaded. The Show Entities and Analysis Mesh must be on.
Nominal & Analysis Meshes: If checked, both nominal and analysis meshes will be color shaded.
Point Projection Based option color maps the vertices on the mesh that is closest to the point or feature. The difference between the current and nominal coordinates of DCS points/features and/or analysis mesh are projected onto the nominal mesh. These points/features do not actually exist on the nominal mesh so their nearest vertex are found and color mapped.
Use Point Only (slow for large # of points): If checked, DCS points will be projected onto nominal mesh and shading will occur based on nearby vertexes.
Use Analysis Mesh Only (slow for large models): If checked, the analysis mesh will be projected onto nominal mesh and shading will occur based on nearby vertexes.
Use Points & Analysis Mesh (slow for large models): If checked, both points and analysis mesh will be used to color map the nominal mesh.
Point Projection Based may cause slow performance.
Below is an example with Color Contour during deviation for both modes.
In the model, the largest block has feature points with feature tolerance, medium block has feature points and smallest block has a DCS point.
The following shows Mesh Position Based option which only shades the nominal mesh based on max deviation from nominal position.
The following shows Point Projection Based option which projects DCS points/features and/or analysis mesh onto the nominal mesh. The max deviation of entities are taken and then their nearby vertexes are located on the nominal mesh and shaded.
Notes:•Using Materials on parts is a good way to show actual parts geometry to be used in a 3DCS Report. The Materials prevents Color Contour from showing, so to use Color Contour, please Hide the Materials that are applied to the parts. •Color Contour uses all points in a part. If the part has multiple points located outward, this will skew or pull the Color Contour results to that point(s).