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This section describes different words and their meanings that are used or referenced throughout this Help Manual.



Within this Section:


Part Definitions

Move Definitions

Least Squares and Average Definitions

See Also...

Axis Definition

Cylinder Definition

Plane Definition



These words are used throughout this Help Manual and in 3DCS.

n - A value used numerous times; an value or an amount; used multiple times in calculations or referenced features and functions.

DoF - Degree of Freedom - each of a number of independently variable factors affecting the range of states in which a system may exist, in particular any of the directions in which independent motion can occur.

LSQ or Least Squares - Approximate a solution to find the overdetermined systems (Points) by minimizing the sum of the squares.


Move Definitions:

Primary Feature: First three points/features of a move routine (i.e.: Step Plane move); First feature of the Feature Move

Secondary Feature: The next two points/features of a move routine (i.e.: Six Plane Move); Second Feature of the Feature Move

Tertiary Feature: The last point/feature or the 6th point in a move routine (i.e.: Auto Bend Routine); Third Feature of the Feature Move

Object: A part(s) that can be used to move to another part or set of parts. Can have more then one part(s). Usually the object field is on the left of most move dialogs.

Target: A part(s) that will be used to move a part to, or sometimes also a fixture. Can have more than one target part. Usually the target field is on the left of most move dialogs.

Fixture: A part, usually referenced by a set of points, that will be used in a move. A Fixture can be set in the Edit Part dialog as an option, which will fix the part in space.


Least Squares and Average Definitions:

Least Squares:

When using Planar or Cylindrical features, 3DCS will create a plane or axis based on the Least Squares of the deviated points.



Geometric Center - Least Square Geometric Center Plane - This method creates a plane based on the least square calculations. The Plane Point is the average of all the points (geometric center).



Average Plane:

When using Planar or Cylindrical features that are stepped, 3DCS will calculate a plane or axis, based on the average (middle) of the Planes or Axis.

Average Plane definition


Part Definitions:

Face: one flat patch (min 3 feature pts) (Fig 1)




Face Group: Surface sub-set (Fig 2)



Surface/Mesh: Collection of Faces (Fig 3):

Feature: Can be a surface or face



Body: Collection of Surfaces (Fig 4):
