<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Analysis Modeling > Measures > Types of Measures > Circle Interference |
For minimum clearance check this measurement should have the LSL = 0 and USL = N/A with the Spec. Mode set to Absolute, since this is a radial check looking for crashes between the pin and the hole/slot.
Within this section:
Example Models:C:\Users\Public\Documents\DCS\3DCS_All Platforms_8_0_0_1\3DCS CAD & Example Models\Reference Models\Measures\Circle Interference
See Also:Interference in Move Options DE Focus Article: Circle Interference: A Non-Linear Measure
Geometry Requirements: Center Points; Cylindrical Features; Tab/Slot Features
Measure Type: Clearance or interference check
Direction: One direction
The input consists of two groups of points, Objects and the Targets. The points or features in the two groups have to match each other by design and must be in order.
•Select Add to add Objects or Target points/features. This defines the hole, pin, slot or tab interference match condition to be checked.
•The Object points and Target points must be in order.
•The Objects points must match the Target points by design.
•For Min Clearance, Max Clearance and Interference Modes, set the Specification Limits to Absolute with the Lower Specification Limit (LSL) set to 0. The Upper Specification Limit (USL) should be set to a number larger than the nominal value.
•If Associated Direction is selected, the Associated Direction of each target feature is used. The corresponding object is treated as parallel to the target.
•For Interference measure the Specification Limits have no influence over the simulation results. Set the Specification Limits on Absolute and at zero value.
Changing the Spec Mode to Absolute will check if the Pin will fit in the Hole and give a data based on how the Hole and Pin best fit, with assembly variation. |
This measure may produce incorrect Contributor Analysis or GeoFactor Equation-Based results, see Analysis Comparison & Assumptions.
The bar height for each number indicates how probable is to have interference for that number of assemblies, compared to the others.