Types of Measures

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Types of Measures

The different types of measurements are listed below with a brief description.





DVTI_ptdist Point Distance


A versatile measurement. This measurement can use either Points or Features. The user can also define vector directions to measure the features.

For fast multiple Point-Nominal or Point-Point measure creation, please see Measure Generator.




DimDisicon Dimensional Distance Measure

Center Distance

Minimum Distance

Maximum Distance

This measure works similar to how CAD platforms measure features. 3DCS will measure the features the same and include tolerance deviation. This measure will measure the distance between two selected features in three modes: Center Distance, Minimum Distance and Maximum Distance.

DVTI_circintf Circle Interference

Is a measure that can report the minimum clearance, the maximum clearance, and the interference for one or more hole/pin assemblies.  This function is used to determine the number of assemblies that cannot be built due to interference in their hole-pin match during assembly.

DVTI_virtclr Virtual Clearance

This measure check the clearance between parallel set of holes and/or pins in an assembly.

DVTI_featmeas Feature Measure

A different type of measure that uses features and measures between the features using the Mesh and Mesh nodes. May cause the Simulation to slow down if Mesh Density is set to a large value.

DVTI_combination Combination

The Combination measure can take multiple measures and add, subtract, show min or max values, or check if the measures are In-Spec.

Equation_icon Equation

The purpose of the Equation measure is to create advanced equation-based measures without writing code in a separate user DLL. The routine calculates a measurement value based on the equations specified in Equations tab.

DVTI_lineang Line Angle


A measurement used to check the angle of a Line to itself, a plane or another line.


Line Plane

DVTI_2ptlist Two Point List

This measure allows for users to select multiple sets of points to measure between.

DVTI_diameter Circle Diameter

Measures the variation of the Feature of Size to check the size variation.

DVTI_circularity Circularity

Measures a circular zone that contains a set of points.

DVTI_plnang Plane Angle


A measurement used to check the angle of a Plane to itself or to another plane.


DVTI_gdtlist GD&T Measure

DVTI_postion Position

Measure the variation of a feature according to a GD&T callout relative to a datum reference frame.

DVTI_profilesurf Surface Profile

DVTI_perpendicularity Perpendicularity

DVTI_angularity Angularity

DVTI_parallelism Parallelism

DVTI_concentricity Concentricity