Analyzer and Optimizer Process

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Analyzer and Optimizer Process

AAO leverages and expands the existing equation based GeoFactor product. The tool utilizes coefficients derived from GeoFactor or DOE (Design of Experiments) to support non-linear models.  This new module is comprised of several core functionalities including:


Analyzer: An equation based analysis output that precisely identifies the amount and source of variation within an assembly.  3DCS Analyzer creates an equation of the entire 3DCS model and displays the inputs (contributors/tolerances) and outputs (measurement results) and their relationships (Coefficients of Influence) in a graphical interactive matrix. The 3DCS model is converted into an equation based model where:

1.Tolerance changes can be made in a graphical interactive matrix providing instantaneous feedback of updated results.
2.Analysis Results are viewed in Numerical or Graphical format.
3.Using a color-coded matrix of the Contributor Analysis Index, user can interactively emphasize contributors that are of great importance to the measurements.


Optimizer: A tool for optimizing tolerances to achieve the desired quality based on a minimal effort.  User inputs possible tolerance ranges, cost factor, as well as the target variation in the system, and the Optimizer will automatically solve for optimized tolerances and validate feasibility.




Process to use

GeoFactor Analyzer

Simulation-based Sensitivity

Critical Tolerance Identifier

Locator Sensitivity Analyzer

Tolerance Optimization

Sequence Optimizer

Datum Optimizer

Load and Save AAO Matrix


See also:

Learn More about AAO at

Ask questions about AAO at




SOVA_matrix_icon Geo Factor Analyzer: Provides the user with an enhanced version of GeoFactor results.

SBS_icon Simulation-Based Sensitivity (SBS) is an analysis tool that helps the user better understand the behavior of a 3DCS model providing information about variance, mean shift, and geometric coefficients.

DVTI_KCSensitivity Critical Tolerance Identifier (CTI): This is a meta-analysis tool that identifies the critical tolerances in a model.

LSA_24 Locator Sensitivity Analyzer (LSA): predicts how well a move controls a part or sub-assembly.

SOVA_cost_icon Tolerance Optimizer: This is used to achieve the desired quality at a minimum cost.

SequenceOpt_icon Sequence Optimizer (SO) is a tool designed to reduce lead and launch time by eliminating or minimizing manual join/clamp sequence studies.

SequenceOpt_icon Datum Optimizer (DO) is a tool designed to determine the optimal datums from a candidate set with the goal of minimizing the rigid part variation or compliant part deformation.

AAO_SovaExport_icon AAO Export: The export function saves the geometric matrix as a *.sov file in a user defined location.

AAO_SovaImport_icon AAO Import: To successfully import a *.sov file the concurrent model must also be open.



GeoFactor Analyzer




Critical Tolerance Identifier




Tolerance Optimizer







1.Launch 3DCS Variation Analyst software and assure the Advanced Analyzer and Optimizer license is set in the 3DCS Preferences.  

2.Open or create a 3DCS variation analysis model.

3.Generate the matrix using the SOVA_matrix_icon GeoFactor Analyzer, or go to Tools arrowDCS Advanced Analyzer Optimizer. This will create a *.gf2 file in the default directory, or in a directory selected by the user.

4.The user can export the *.sov file using AAO Export icon AAO_SovaExport_icon, or import into the currently loaded model a previously saved matrix, using AAO Import icon AAO_SovaImport_icon from the toolbar.



If the model is not Built prior to Running AAO, a warning message will appear:





5.Run the SOVA_matrix_icon GeoFactor Analyzer function from the toolbar and interact with the matrix.  User can enter "what if" tolerance values and immediately see updated measurement results.

6.Run the DVTI_KCSensitivity Critical Tolerance Identifier (CTI) function from the toolbar.  User can visualize tolerance through a color-coded matrix of the Contributor Analysis Index, and interactively emphasize contributors that are of great importance to the measurements.

7.Run the SOVA_cost_icon Tolerance Optimizer function from the toolbar.  Enter the individual measurement goal values, cost per tolerance and Min\Max Tol values and press the minimum cost button.  Optimized tolerances will be calculated and user can perform additional experiments.