<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Appendix > Previous Versions of 3DCS > What's New in this Release? | - December 2017
Below are a list of changes, enhancements and resolved issues based on the entire 3DCS suite or a specific CAD system available with 3DCS. Please review the list of changes and don't hesitate to ask about a specific change.
Any text written with a teal highlight refers to any Simulation Output change. In other words, some calculation changes were made to either a distribution, a measurement output or DLL result. This could result in minor changes to a previous Model Simulation output.
Advanced Analyzer and Optimizer
Shared and Distributed ComputingWill increase the calculation speed and thus reduce the analysis time. Simulation Based Sensitivity(SBS)
Runs multiple simulations to test the effect of each contributor and the interactions between contributors in order to help the user better understand the behavior of a 3DCS model. General•Deleting 3DCS Features, Entities, etc. will now list the deleted entities in the Warning dialog box. •Fast Point dialog now remembers the users previous settings selection within the same session. •Sorting by name, which have numerical characters, will now sort correctly in all of the 3DCS list dialogs (Example: Edit Point). •Added a Cancel button to the WTX import - Pick Component dialog to stop the importing process. •Added functions Create Backup that will allow users to manually save a .wtx file as backup and Restore Backup will allow to select the saved backup and load into the model. •Added access to this Help Manual documentation throughout new and existing dialogs. •Added protection against crash during Locator Sensitivity Analysis. •The Type In/Screen Position Settings in Copy Data Dialog and Points Dialog will change with respect to the Preference Setting. •Enhanced the Feature Move when using multiple planes or axis •Any processes to create a Simulation or Results will now have a Progress Bar to display the time it starts and when finished. •Control+End Keyboard keys will now be used to cancel any running Analysis and Report Generation. •Can select a surface to set a point's vector through Pick Vector(s) in the Points dialog. •Changed the Default Iteration number from 25 to 100. •Fixed an issue where the full range of motion in a Motion move would be used and shown in the results. •Unwanted error message in Tolerance Optimizer for locked tolerances is now removed. •Deviation and Simulation have been improved to better display Step Distribution. Simulation•Changed the internal threshold of the Est. DPMO from 0.3 to 0.001. •With 0 Sigma, or no tolerance variation to affect a measurement, DPMO will report: 1000000.0 •In the Run Analysis Dialog, Assembly built status gets updated instantly if the model is Nominal Built or Separated while fixing the errors using View Errors option. •In Run Analysis dialog, changed "Calculate Failed Assembly" to "Retain Failed Assemblies in Statistics". •3DCS will now report the largest diameter increment needed to solve for all failed Pattern Move builds. •Added Contributors field in the Run Analysis and GeoFactor Dialog. GeoFactor•Opening a GF2 file in GeoFactor will now respect period and comma delimiters. •The Geofactor Results Page will no more open behind the main window. •GeoFactor now always displays the Total line. •Run HLM/GF is now set at Median as default on to support the motion move and other similar cases. Feature Information•Feature Information will also show if a point is used in a slot or tab. •Users can now select an MTM in the MTM Information list and use Center Graph to find it in the 3DCS tree. Features•Restored ability to make a feature hole or pin with two points and the Point Group dialog. GD&T•Symmetry no longer requires a size tolerance. Symmetry GD&T references as Position in 3DCS. •Improved GD&T results when using either RSS or Range Control, and using Linear Position tolerance. •Datum Shift Contributors will always show the maximum Clearance in the Results. •Enhanced 3DCS to better support case 308: Plane - Axis •Improved how 3DCS will detect Axis calculation. Tolerances•Features Tolerance - Size will utilize the correct MTM Default setting. •Bonus is now applied when a feature has a Feature Size-Only tolerance and a Circular at MMC tolerance applied. Moves•Added a [Pick from Tree] button to Conditional and Iterative move logic in Move Options. •When two points are used to define a point in a Point-on-Plane move, the average is now used. Resolved an issue when a slot of tab is used in a Mech move. •3DCS results were validated against Abaqus for a TypeIn force applied on a rotated part in Nominal Build position. Process Capability Database•Improved the Process Capability Database work-flow and dialog. •Creating a Size Tolerance through PCDB will now create or remove the links correctly from the tolerance. Spec Studies•Spec Study is now added to the Find/Replace Dialog. •Updated Names in the Spec Study Dialog •Spec Study can now be grouped and saved correctly. •[Pick from Tree] option is added to Spec Studies. •Resolved Rigid spec study failed to solve point displacement issue. Excel Create•Version updated to 111 •Using Excel Create with model changes will now prompt the user to save model when closing. •Excel Create now includes the measurement information used in user DLL moves. •Fixed the columns in the Tolerance tab; Range and Offset columns were not reading into 3DCS correctly. •Setting Feature Tolerance as a Composite Tolerance, Excel Create will show Rand#2 with the correct distribution and Magnitude. •Excel MTM Names will now have Alias display also. •Resolved Excel import with duplicated GD&T names listed sequentially issue. Validate•Validate now displays when edge size is different from cylinder surface size. User can double-click the line to resolve the issue. •Warning message is now generated when stiffness files of object and target parts have different DOF numbers. Report Generation•The Report Generation will now show model in the same position as started, even if the Measure is turned Off. •Word and Power Point Format can be used to create a 3DCS Report from the Report Generation dialog. •Added Estimated Low, Estimated High, and Animate options to show variation in the HTML report. •The Histogram image in the report has been improved and updated. •The HTML, Word and Power Point Reports will now have Spec Study Results. •Alias display shows up in all instances in HTML report. •Composite Profile Tolerance will now show two ranges and offsets, and Composite Position Tolerance will show four ranges and offsets in the Report. •The Report Generation with Measure turned Off will not affect the model's built position. •The Report Images will be saved as a .PNG for better image quality. •Default report image size changed to 711x400 to have 16:9 aspect ratio. Must delete config files and start new model to see change. •Updated the Report Generation Dialog, items will be grayed out if it is not supported for the selected Report Type. •Added Report Options Button to the Run Analysis Dialog. The user should now be able to change the report options by clicking the "Generate Report" checkbox and clicking "Report Options" in the Run Analysis window. •When using non-ASCII characters in the Report file name, 3DCS will report an error and will require the user to change the file name to ASCII supported characters. •The 3DCS Report using Word will also work with Word 2016/Office 365 when using German Regional Settings. •Enhanced the HTML report when in German Regional Settings and using a Comma Delimiter. Dialog•Updated the search strategy in the Find/Replace Dialog. •Various Simulation dialogs (ex: WorstCaseSimuDLL) has been updated to use a new Progress Bar, for various software improvements. •Center Tree and Reframe options are added to the right click menu for the entities in the Find/Replace Dialog. •The Tolerance List Dialog will now display the correct Range for the selected Tolerance Type. •The Points dialog User Interface has been refreshed. •Animation dialog will now display the next Move name along with the current Move. •Resolved not being able to type in point name in a measure if other points in the model have the same name. •MTM Information dialog is improved. MTM Selection from the MTM Dialog will highlight in the Graphics Display•New Unique Tree Icons for Hole/Pin surface and Hole/ Pin points are added. •Added new Tree Icon for Point Group. •Adding notes to MTM will instantly update the MTM Tree Icon. •The default font style for MTM and Part Notes will now be Arial. •Updated all the Right Click Menu Icons. •New Updated Tree Icon for DCS Points. •New Icons are added to differentiate DCS and Feature Points for Holes and Pins. •Six Plane Move Icon is Updated •Updated the Default Page colors for Simulation, Sensitivity and GeoFactor Reports. •Updated the Show Measure and Show Contributor Icons in the Simulation Window. •Added Tool Tips and Descriptions for all the Icons •Showing Floats and Bend directions, from the Options page in a move, will now only show the target's Float and Bend information. •Compliant Modeler Icon Names are Updated. •Improved the stability when viewing the Summary. •Show Points will now Toggle the circle display associated with Hole Pin Points. Model Navigator•Insert command in the right click menu will now only add items below the selected item. •The 3DCS Tree Right Click Menu Order is Updated. •Revised tree mask icons. •Added a Spec Study Tree Icon mask which indicates the Spec Study have a saved view. •Added Function "Delete View" to the Tree Right Click Menu to instantly delete saved views. Alias Display•Changed "Point Customize" to "Feature Customize". •New separate Alias Display parameters have been added: o#FG#: Feature Geometry displays Hole/Pin/Surface o#FT#: Feature Type displays Static/Dynamic. •Two-point list, circle interference, plane angle, and user dll Measure will now correctly displays the Alias Display for #MO# (First TO Part Name). •The Measure Dominant Dir #MV# will now correctly display as in the Abbreviation file. •Added new button "Reload Abbreviation File" in the Alias Display Settings. Now the User can Edit and Save the ABB File using "Edit Abbreviation File" Function and "Reload Abbreviation File"will instantly updated the changes to the Alias Display in the Tree. •Measure Mode "True Distance" and "True Angle" will now be displayed correctly for Alias Display. •The Combination Measure will now display the Measure Mode correctly for Alias Display. •Alias Display will now correctly display the type for Holes and Pin Points in the Points Dialog. •Fixed Alias Display not turning off on slots/tabs issue. •Added Measure Sub-Types to the Abbreviation file. •Alias Display information is now available in the DB2 file format, under the JSN row, to allow reading in Alias Display or actual point names into QDM templates. Batch Processor
User DLLs•Automatic Feature Point Creation routine with the purpose to replace the manual creation of feature points is added to the dcu_simu_fn.dll. •Updated the MTM Library 2 DLL information with Best Fit Routines (Formally Virtual Clearance DLL) also allows the users to best-fit an over-constrained part. •Running the Simulation Macro with German Regional Settings will show the correct outputs. •User DLLs will now automatically load based on the model. •Adding a negative value to the number of direction in user DLL MTM will not crash the software. •Index numbers added to strings list in User-DLL MTMs. •User-DLL measure now shows arrows when clicking 'Directions' button. •Improved the mathematical checker with mesh/tessilation in the xform DLL - dcs_ProjPrOnFeat routine. •The dcsMvLsqPlaneFit2D move in dcu_mtmlib2.dll now supports patterns with only two pairs of features. •If extra points are added to the object feature list for a least squares DLL the move will now only use the first three points. •Resolved dcsMvLsqPlaneFit3D dll flipping and pivoting the move part issue. •Resolved dcsMvPtToLsqCylinder LSQ cylinder calculation issue. Removed•These 3DCS routines will no longer be created, but will remain supported in older models: oMeasure: Feature Derived Measurement oMoves: 3-2-1 Move, Three-Plane Move, Line-Plane Move, Plane-Plane Move oFeature Move - Modes: Ls 6Plane, Ls HP 6Plane, Nominal HP 6Plane
Example Models and TutorialsIndividual example models are now available. C:\Users\Public\Documents\DCS\3DCS_All Platforms_8_0_0_1\3DCS CAD & Example Models\Reference Models
General•3DCS for Creo now reads the Simple or Master Rep information from the Creo Assembly. •Update Model is now much faster on Larger Models. •CAD Points will now can be converted into Feature or DCS Points, and use the same name from the actual CAD Point. •Selecting a CAD Point from any MTM Dialog will automatically convert the CAD to Feature Point. •Window Box Select for Points is now added in Creo. Now multiple Points can be selected by dragging a box around the Points in the graphic window from any MTM Dialog. •Users can now switch between multiple models and the model navigator updates automatically for the active assembly. •Users can now use multiple selection keys (ctrl + left mouse button; Shift + left mouse button) in the Model Navigator to Rename of multiple entities. •The right-click menu option to Activate/Deactivate Point Visibility is now also available for the Root and the Parts in Model Navigator. •The Validation Check Run analysis dialog will update the status right away once the errors are fixed through [View Errors] options. •[Pick from Tree] now works for Combination Measure. •Creo Constraints can now be extracted into 3DCS. •Improved the Cover Page Image for all the Reports. •Opening a second MTM dialog while another of the same type is already open will not copy the first MTM to the second's parent. •Measurement Strings can be reordered correctly. •Model Navigator and Dialog will no more go behind the Creo window when switching between different windows. •Improved the DCS Dialog and Model Navigator display for Creo 4 •Creo4 Selection Dialog will not close automatically. •CAD Parts from Creo now can be imported and saved as .hsf files in MC •Added an option to change Screen/Type In Position Setting in the Preference Dialog. •Added a function to Hide or Show Labels of Features and Points, by part or by feature selection. Also added to the Right Click Menu. •Improved Go To Function in Point dialog for larger Models. •The Simulation Counter is updated to show a Progress Bar Dialog •While running an analysis Report if the user cancels the sensitivity run the Result dialog will open only with the Simulation results. •Feature Link Lost warning message will pop up if the links get lost during Importing .wtx file, Restoring backup, and Doing Update Model. •Part Level .wtx File Export can now be done. Export will now pop up a selection dialog, allowing the user to pick the component from which the .wtx file need to be saved. •Feature Wizard Dialog can be Re-sized without cutting out any buttons. •Added new Entities options in the Find Replace Dialog. •Simulation Results can be saved as JPEG Files from the Analysis window, File>Save All As.. •Closing a Model with any 3DCS Dialog open will close all the dialogs along with the model •Replaced Show Point Names function and added, "Show Labels by Part" and "Show Labels by Features". Now the user can Toggle the Points and Features Label display either by picking the Part or a particular Point or feature. •Copying the entire row of data in the Point dialog and then Pasting within the dialog is now available. •Updated the Find/Replace Dialog by adding more Filters to the Search option. •Added Mirror Function in Creo •Ignoring Warning message pop up will no more crash the software. •Replacing a Part within the Assembly or moving a part between Sub Assemblies will get updated in the 3DCS Tree and get saved. •Added Run DOE functionality. •Resolved Batch processor adding extensions to the .wtx file issue. Model Navigator•Right-click On/Off on GD&T will now instantly activate or deactivate the GD&T. •Quick Copy option is added to the GD&T right Click Menu •Improved how the Model Navigator and dialogs will stay up front of Creo while using 3DCS. •3DCS will now save the Model Navigator position for models. •Added two new functions Hide/Show Labels and Hide Show Features to the Right Click Menu for Points and Features. •Deleting Tree Folders will now get Saved Correctly. •MTM Tree selection will now highlight its Features in the Tree •Tree Ctrl + Selection is improved •Quick Copy is now Possible with Multiple Selection. •DCS Tree unselect can be done by pressing Esc button. •Added new Function"Hide/Show Part(Mesh&Points)" to the Part and Root Right click menu which Toggles the display of all 3DCS Data under that Part level. •Users can no longer rename the part name and update the CAD system's part name. Information•Move/Tolerance/Measure (MTM) selection to open the MTM dialog from Feature Information dialog will now work while Alias Display is active. •The MTM Information Dialog is updated. Preferences•Added a new Function "Min. Segment Num" in the Preference dialog which controls the Mesh Density. Features•Users can now reorder the order of points in the Points dialog box. •Improved feature selection when selecting cylinders in a tolerance, move or measure. •Using Fast Point on a cylindrical feature (hole) will now create the point on the correct side. •Cylindrical Cad Edges also will now have size •Improved the Point Vector direction so that it will be always normal to the Surface •On/Off status will be shown in Feature Info and toggling on/off affects tree. •The Master/ Slave Features Issue for Cylindrical and Conical features is Resolved. •Double click Feature from the Model Navigator will show the Feature Info for the selected Feature •Point projection works correctly for parts with different coordinate systems (ie translated parts) •Cut/Copy Paste Points will use the Global Preference Setting Type In or Screen Position. •Added Labels for Slot/Tab Features •The Feature Mesh will be highlighted along with vectors for features need to be linked from Feature Wizard Dialog. GD&T•All the Datum Tags created in Creo get extracted into 3DCS, regardless if they are part of GTOL or not. •The Project Height value from Creo GD&T will be now extracted into DCS. •The Unequal value from Creo GD&T will now get extracted into DCS. •Doing Update GD&T will now opens a conformation dialog that displays the total extracted GD&T call-outs •Profile Tolerance GD&T will now get extracted with DRF Active. •Perpendicularity will now get extracted with the correct Datum Reference •Highlighting a GD&T either from the GD&T dialog or from the Tree will displays the vector direction along with the feature highlighted. •Dimension Origin will now be extracted in Creo4. •Datum Tags now gets extracted into 3DCS GD&T list for Creo 4. •Automatic appending GD&T type as suffix to GD&T names while extracting the Creo GD&T has been removed. •Note added in the Type-Name GD&T dialog for tolerance resetting when the dialog is modified. •Resolved GD&T pre-qualifying toleranceing issue. •Update GD&T will no more refreshes the whole Tree which saves Time Display•Users can now Hide the Simulation Window and scroll through the measurement data using Simulation Viewer in the Graphics Window. •The Points label display is improved, it will not overlap the Points in the model. •Added arrows to display the offset direction and specified offset direction for Floats •Tree Assemblies will now have new Icons, to differentiate it from the Parts. •Only the given MTM name by the User will be the default MTM display in DCS tree. •Selecting Contributors from the Simulation Results in the Analysis Window will now display along with Features highlighted in the Graphics. •Selecting a Tolerance from the Tree will now also highlight the Slot Features added to that Tolerance in the Graphics. •Tolerance Dialog display is improved by removing the unnecessary trailing zeros for the values. •Slots/Tabs Display in the Graphics is improved. •MTM Arrows display and Auto Scaling is improved •Show View in the Find/Replace dialog will now show the features highlighted in the Graphics for the selected MTM. •Added Tool Tip for Part Names in all the MTM dialog. •Now the Activate/Deactivate Button in MTM On/Off Dialog will Instantly Update the changes in the Tree and Graphics. •Slot and Tab features, and Circles can now be shown or hidden using Show/Hide Points function. •MTM Selection from the MTM Dialog will highlight in the Graphics •Having Spin Center Turned off in Creo will no more affect the Model Saved view. •Slots/Tabs display in the Graphics can now be Toggled using "Hide/Show Features" option from the Tree Right Click Menu •Model Built and Separated Position will no more affect the Model Saved View. |
General•The right-click menu option to Activate/Deactivate Point Visibility is now also available for the Root and the Parts in Model Navigator. •The users can now save the Tree Position for models with extracted Constraints and GD&T •Users can now use multiple selection keys (ctrl + left mouse button; Shift + left mouse button) in the Model Navigator to Rename of multiple entities. •MTM selection to open up the MTM dialog from Feature info dialog will now work with Alias Display On. •The Validation Check in Run analysis Dialog will update the Status right away ones the errors are Fixed through "view errors" options. •Removing 3DCS Data will now actually remove the data. Update Model will not bring it back. •Enhanced the Cylindrical Threshold feature in 3DCS only for partial cylinders (corners or half hole/pin features). •Feature Information has been fixed to show the correct information about Slots and Tabs. •Opening a second MTM dialog while another of the same type is already open will not copy the first MTM to the second's parent. •Resolved Spec Study modification saving issue. •Added an option to change Screen/Type In Position Setting in the Preference Dialog. •Added a function to Hide or Show Labels of Features and Points, by part or by feature selection. •Simulation results will now show all statistical information provided from Analysis Simulation. •Improved GoTo Function in Edit Point Dialog for larger Models •The Simulation Counter is updated to show a Progress Bar Dialog •While running an analysis Report if the user cancels the sensitivity run the Result dialog will open only with the Simulation results. •Feature Link Lost warning message will pop up if the links get lost during Importing .wtx file, Restoring backup, and Doing Update Model. •Part Level .wtx File Export can now be done. Export will now pop up a selection dialog, allowing the user to pick the component from which the .wtx file need to be saved. •3DCS will no more block Update Model for the second Model if the First Model is Nominal Built. •Feature Wizard Dialog can be Re-sized without cutting out any buttons. •Added new Entities options in the Find Replace Dialog. •Users will no longer be able to save a model if the model is in Built Position. User can still save a copy of their model by using Save As.. •Using TeamCenter with NX, 3DCS will no longer continuously show the Tree Linking Wizard when using Update Model. •Updated the Measure Generator dialog UI. •Added Preference Setting for Min Segment Num through which the Mesh Density can be Controlled. •NX Constraints created in the Sub Levels will now get extracted to that same level Move List in 3DCS. •Replaced Show Point Names function and added, "Show Labels by Part" and "Show Labels by Features". Now the user can Toggle the Points and Features Label display either by picking the Part or a particular Point or feature. •Copying the entire row of data in the Point dialog and then Pasting within the dialog is now available. •Mirror option will no more delete the DCS Data from the Target Part if the Source Component cannot be found in Target, and gives a warning message. •Updated the Find/Replace Dialog by adding more Filters to the Search option. •Updated Constraints extraction for Coincidence and Contact Constraint. •3DCS available in NX12 •3DCS will now allow to close the Model even in built position. •Resolved closing the Deviation Control dialog box issue. •Added Run DOE functionality. •Resolved Batch processor adding extensions to the .wtx file issue. Information•Feature Information will also show if a point is used in a slot or tab. •Move/Tolerance/Measure (MTM) selection to open the MTM dialog from Feature Information dialog will now work while Alias Display is active. •The MTM Information Dialog is updated Model Navigator•Right-click On/Off on GD&T will now instantly activate or deactivate. •Quick Copy option is added to the GD&T right Click Menu. •MTM Tree selection will now highlight its Features in the Tree •Tree Entity Unselection can now be done using Esc button. •Added two new functions Hide/Show Labels and Hide Show Features to the Right Click Menu for Points and Features. •Tree Ctrl + Selection is improved. •Quick Copy is now Possible with Multiple Selection. •Added new Function"Hide/Show Part(Mesh&Points)" to the Part and Root Right click menu which Toggles the display of all 3DCS Data under that Part level. •Users can no longer rename the part name and update the CAD system's part name. Features•Users can now reorder the order of points in the Edit Point dialog box. •Improved feature selection when selecting cylinders in a tolerance, move or measure. •Using Fast Point on a cylindrical feature (hole) will now create the point on the correct side. •Resolved linking nodes with x,y or z issue. Linking Mesh Nodes to other Mesh Nodes will now correctly link, even with the same X,Y, or Z coordinate. •On/Off status will be shown in Feature Info and toggling on/off affects tree. •The Master/ Slave Features Issue for Cylindrical and Conical features is Resolved. •Double click Feature from the Model Navigator will show the Feature Info for the selected Feature. •Cut/Copy Paste Points will use the Global Preference Setting Type In or Screen Position. •Resolved issue with linking feature to multiple CAD points. •Point projection works correctly for parts with different coordinate systems (ie translated parts) •Added Labels for Slot/Tab Features •Converting CAD Points from NX into 3DCS will now pick up the surface material direction and convert it to 3DCS' ijk vector directions. •Points Conversion can now also be done by window select. •Datum Target Points will now get extracted along with features while extracting GD&T from the CAD Parts. •The Feature Mesh will be highlighted along with vectors for features need to be linked from Feature Wizard Dialog. •Resolved Slots loosing feature link when using 3DCS NX with TeamCenter issue. GD&T•Doing Update GD&T will now opens a conformation dialog that displays the total extracted GD&T callouts. •Highlighting a GD&T either from the GD&T dialog or from the Tree will displays the vector direction along with the feature highlighted. •The Reference Datum for Profile GD&T will be saved correctly even though the Profile gets extracted above the Datum in the GD&T List. •Empty GD&T getting extracted from Drawings has been blocked. •Note added in the Type-Name GD&T dialog for tolerance resetting when the dialog is modified. Display•The Points label display will not overlap the Points. •Tree Assemblies will now have new Icons, to differentiate it from the Parts. •Only the given MTM name by the User will be the default MTM display in DCS tree. •Selecting Contributors from the Simulation Results in the Analysis Window will now display along with Features highlighted in the Graphics. •Tolerance Dialog display is improved by removing the unnecessary trailing zeros for the values. •Point Names display Random Turn Off is fixed. The Point Name display can only be toggled using Show Point Names Button. •Added Tool Tip for Part Names in all the MTM dialog •Slots/Tabs Display in the Graphics is improved. •Now the Activate/Deactivate Button in MTM On/Off Dialog will Instantly Update the changes in the Tree and Graphics. •Slot and Tab features, and Circles can now be shown or hidden using Show/Hide Points function. •Generating Report will not turn Off the Mesh. •Deleted DCS Points which got converted from CAD Points will no more show up in the Graphics when "Convert CAD Point" Function is called. •Mesh will not get turned off unless its Toggled using "Show Mesh" function. •MTM Selection from the MTM Dialog will highlight in the Graphics. •Slots/Tabs display in the Graphics can now be Toggled using "Hide/Show Features" option from the Tree Right Click Menu |
General•GD&T with Datum Target's are now properly obtained in 3DCS and in the dialog box. •Updated Function Names Hide/Show Mesh to Show Mesh Hide/Show Preselection Mesh to Show Preselection Mesh Hide/Show Points to Show Points Hide/Show Color Contour Shading to Color Contour Shading Hide/Show Color Contour Lines to Color Contour Lines •Updated the Initial 3DCS Toolbar layout. •Resolved issue so that Rigid and Influence Sphere Spec Studies can be rendered in PhotoStudio with the Spec Viewer and Use CATRep. •Resolved Crash Issue when new model is opened having the the selection dialog open in the previous model. •Index numbers added to measure list in V5 User-DLLs. •Add Move Option is now added to the Right Click Menu and it shows only Step Plane and Feature Move for Virtual Designer License. •Virtual Designer, Mechanical Modeler, Compliant Modeler License will only have their related functions available, and other options will not be available for the Users. •"Pick" option is added to the MTM Information Dialog. Without closing the MTM Information dialog now the user can switch Parts. •CATIA will no longer crash while removing the 3DCS Data with the Tree selection highlighted. •Feature Wizard is now blocked if the model is in Animation Mode. •Deactivate Point visibility will completely hide the point display from the graphics right away. •Preference Setting on Feature Links Lost Warning is modified and will now say " Display warning when feature links are lost". The User will now get the warning if the links are lost during Importing .wtx File Restoring Backup and Update Model. •Deleting Features from Tree will not not affect the Points Label Display. •Creating a Center DCS Point from Feature Point Dialog will Right away create the Size Tolerance on that Point. •Having Feature Point Dialog up while opening a New Product will no more Crash Catia. •Updated the Measure Generator dialog UI. •Center Point created on circular CadEdges can be now defined as Pin or Hole. •The Simulation Counter is updated to show a Progress Bar Dialog for thread 1,2,3 and 4 •Added "Goto" option in the Points Dialog, to type in and search the Points by Name. •Resolved Visualization Export generation deformation .fbx file issue. •Improved how 3DCS acquires the Boundary from Datums in later versions of CATIA V5. •Multiple Points that are within the same area will now create one Feature Point but then multiple DCS Points. •Resolved Batch Processor with CATIA R26 and regional settings German(Germany) issue. •Catia Force units are now supported in 3DCS. •Resolved Delete keyboard key deleting 3DCS tree node issue. •Resolved long MTM names getting truncated upon .wtx import issue. GD&T•Improved how 3DCS acquires the Boundary from Datums in later versions of CATIA V5.
Alias Display•Changing the Instance name will now update the Alias Display by doing Update Model Preferences•"Show Move Parts" Display option under Preference will now work with both the New labels and the Legacy Labels. Menus•MTM Info function is now added to the Right Click Menu option for all MTMs. •Added Part Info Function to the right click menu in 3DCS Tree. Dialogs•Fixed the issue in the Preferences dialog where the Apply button changes the Plus/Minus values of MTM Defaults. •MTM On/Off dialog will now ask the user to "Pick Part" for Part Selection. •Added Help Button to the Points Dialog. Generate Report•Resolved crash when closing Report Gen dialog with two models open. •The object and target labels will be displayed in the same color as that of the object and Target Parts in the Report |
Issues Resolved (3DEXPERIENCE)
General•MTM Info function is now added to the Right Click Menu option for all MTMs. •Added Part Info Function to the right click menu in 3DCS Tree. •Improved stability when switching between Simulation level to a Product level. •Updated the Hide/Show MTM Icon. •GD&T with Datum Target's are now properly obtained in 3DCS and in the dialog box. •Torque value is now consistent with the units used in the dialog. •Updated the tree name from "PartList" to "Parts" in the 3DCS Tree. •Resolved Update Model crash due to cgr generation. •Updated Function Names Hide/Show Mesh to Show Mesh Hide/Show Preselection Mesh to Show Preselection Mesh Hide/Show Points to Show Points Hide/Show Color Contour Shading to Color Contour Shading Hide/Show Color Contour Lines to Color Contour Lines •"Show Move Parts" Display option under Preference will now work for New labels and legacy labels. •Fixed the Issue in the Preference dialog where the Apply button changes the Plus Minus Values of MTM Defaults. •MTM On/Off Dialog will now have "Pick Part" button for Part Selection. •Updated the Initial 3DCS Toolbar layout. •Resolved issue so that Rigid and Influence Sphere Spec Studies can be rendered in PhotoStudio with the Spec Viewer and Use CATRep. •Resolved Crash Issue when new model is opened having the the selection dialog open in the previous model. •Index numbers added to measure list in V5 User-DLLs •Add Move Option is now added to the Right Click Menu and it shows only Step Plane and Feature Move for Virtual Designer License. •Virtual Designer, Mechanical Modeler, Compliant Modeler License will only have their related functions available, and other options will not be available for the Users. •"Pick" option is added to the MTM Information Dialog. Without closing the MTM Information dialog now the user can switch Parts. •Catia no more crashes while removing the DCS Data with Tree selection highlighted. •Feature Wizard is now blocked if the model is in Animation Mode. •Deactivate Point visibility will completely hide the point display from the graphics right away. •Added Help Button to the Points Dialog. •Preference Setting on Feature Links Lost Warning is modified and will now say " Display warning when feature links are lost". The User will now get the warning if the links are lost during Importing .wtx File Restoring Backup and Update Model. •Enhanced Tree Selection option in the Selection Dialog will be renamed to "Enhanced Catia Tree Selection" and this option is now added to all the Feature Selection Dialogs. •Deleting Features from Tree will not not affect the Points Label Display. •Updated the Measure Generator dialog UI. •Changed the display name of "Animation" and "Creation Mode" to "Display Mode" •Updated how 3DCS modifies duplicated names when importing a WTX file into an assembly. •The Simulation Counter is updated to show a Progress Bar Dialog for Thread 1,2,3 and 4 •Added "Goto" option in the Points Dialog, to type in and search the Points by Name. •Significantly improved the Updated Model speed for large models. •Resolved Visualization Export generation deformation .fbx file issue. •Improved how 3DCS acquires the Boundary from Datums in later versions of CATIA V5. •Multiple Points that are within the same area will now create one Feature Point but then multiple DCS Points. •Resolved Delete keyboard key deleting 3DCS tree node issue. •V6 Empty Physical Product also will now create the .hst/.hlm file name. •Resolved long MTM names getting truncated upon .wtx import issue. •Resolved modification to V6 Parts status when creating Feature points issue. Generate Report•Resolved crash when closing Report Gen dialog with two models open. •Report now generating images with V6 Advanced Rendering controls including Shading, Ambiance & Styls. Display•Users can now Hide the Simulation Window and scroll through the measurement data using Simulation Viewer in the Graphics Window. •Added Tool Tip and Description for Icons
General•The Right Click Menu option to Activate/Deactivate Point Visibility is now also available for the Root and the Parts in Model Navigator. •Users can now reorder the position of points in the Point dialog box. •Users can now use multiple selection keys (ctrl + left mouse button; Shift + left mouse button) in the Model Navigator to Rename of multiple entities. •Added 'Print' and 'Close print preview' options to the Print Preview page. •GD&T right click menu On/Off will instantly turn On/Off the selected GD&T from the Tree. •Import .wtx will now give an option to the user on converting the CAD Files. •Excel Import with model changes will now prompt the user to save model while closing. •Having Animation dialog open will not affect generating Report. •If the Imported .wtx file has a root name different from the model, a selection dialog will now open allowing the user to pick the Component to import the .wtx file. •The Validation Check in Run analysis Dialog will update the Status right away ones the errors are Fixed through "view errors" options. •Feature Information has been fixed to show the correct information about Slots and Tabs. •Switching between Tabs in the Ribbon is now Faster •Added Gap Flush Measure function to the Ribbon Toolbar. •Moved Mirror to function to the Home Tab. •Right-clicking on any tab (Graphics, Tree, Navigation) will now show the same pop-up menu as clicked on empty space. •CAD Parts from Creo now can be imported and saved as .hsf files in MC •Improved reading in STEP files with German Regional Settings. •Added a function to Hide or Show Labels of Features and Points, by part or by feature selection. •Added an to option change Screen/Type In Position Setting in the Preference Dialog. •Importing CAD files will no longer generate .xml files in the directory with the .hsf files. •Improved GoTo Function in Edit Point Dialog for larger Models. •The 3DCS CAD translators have been updated with TransMagicR12.10.800. •Modifying the Size Tol Name from the Tolerance List dialog will instantly update the name in the DCS Tree. •The Simulation Counter is updated to show a Progress Bar Dialog •While running an analysis Report if the user cancels the sensitivity run the Result dialog will open only with the Simulation results. •Part Level .wtx File Export can now be done. Export will now pop up a selection dialog, allowing the user to pick the component from which the .wtx file need to be saved. •Feature Wizard Dialog can be Re-sized without cutting out any buttons. •Added new Entities options in the Find Replace Dialog. •Fixed bug that crashes MC when adding a point to the compliant Positioning move. •Updated the Measure Generator dialog UI. •Replaced Show Point Names function and added, "Show Labels by Part" and "Show Labels by Features". Now the user can Toggle the Points and Features Label display either by picking the Part or a particular Point or feature. •Users can now switch between a Tab view or Window view display in Multi-CAD, allowing users to have multiple windows side-by-side, or display the Tree Window. •Copying the entire row of data in the Point dialog and then Pasting within the dialog is now available. •Using the Delete Parts function in the ribbon will correctly update the Model Navigator after deleting a Part. Also added an option to see the Model Navigator update automatically or after Nominal Build (Manual). •Updated the Find/Replace Dialog by adding more Filters to the Search option. •The Wait cursor will now show up until Nominal Build is completed for Larger Models blocking the users from pressing other keys preventing Software Crash. •Fixed software crash on deleting a part which is used in Force Move issue. •Saving .wtx, gf2, HLM and HST on a low space device will give the users two different warnings. 1. if the memory space is less than 500MB, DCS will give a warning message "Less than 500MB memory available, Press Yes if you still want to proceed" 2. If the Memory space is not enough for the model to save completely then DCS will give a Failure message "Failure writing to file. Check disk space or write permission" Note: Failure message for HLM and HST will be shown in Run Log. (Or) The user need to turn on "Write Run Log" under Preference to see the Run Log poping up at the end of the Run Analysis to see the Failure Message. •Auto back will show the Failure message "Failure writing to File. Check disk space or write permission" in the Run Log File if there is no enough space to save the Backup Files •Resolved Visualization Export generation deformation .fbx file issue. •Improved reading in STEP files with German Regional Settings. Corrected - 3DCS was not handling locale when reading ASM XML file. •Resolved Graphics Export as .jt crash. •Resolved Set Triaxis Flags dialog closing issue.The Set Triaxis Flags dialog will now close correctly. •Resolved crash caused by CadEdge linking in the Feature Wizard.
Model Navigator•Right-click On/Off on GD&T will now instantly activate or deactivate. •Quick Copy option is added to the GD&T right Click Menu •The Navigation and the Graphics window will now be in Sync. Selecting one Tab will activate the other that belongs to the same document. •Selecting Show view for any MTM from the Tree will not scroll the Tree down. •Tree Ctrl + Selection is improved •Added two new functions Hide/Show Labels and Hide Show Features to the Right Click Menu for Points and Features. •Quick Copy is now Possible with Multiple Selection. •Related List will be Checked On as Default for the Tree Display Options •Doing Cut and Paste a Part in the Tree will no more block double click open Edit Part Dialog from Tree. •Cut a part and paste it into one of it's subs is Blocked •Cut/ Copy/ Paste Multiple Parts can now be done from the Tree Features•Users can now reorder the order of points in the Edit Point dialog box. •Improved feature selection when selecting cylinders in a tolerance, move or measure. •On/Off status will be shown in Feature Info and toggling on/off affects tree. •The MTM Information Dialog is updated. •Double click Feature from the Model Navigator will show the Feature Info for the selected Feature. •Cut/Copy Paste Points will use the Global Preference Setting Type In or Screen Position. •Point projection works correctly for parts with different coordinate systems (i.e. translated parts) •When using the Create Surf Cnt Pt function in the Feature Points Dialog on translated parts, the points are no longer made at the untranslated location. •Several improvements were made fixing issues with torus-type features and deviation. GD&T•Users will be prompted with a Part Selection dialog when creating GD&T •Improved how GD&T notes responds to Hide/Show Parts or GD&T in the graphics window •Note added in the Type-Name GD&T dialog for tolerance resetting when the dialog is modified. Display•Selecting a "New Navigation Window", if only a Graphics Window will now split automatically: the Graphics and Navigation tree will be in two separate windows. •Improved how GD&T display will respond to Hide/Show Parts or GD&T in the graphics window. •Several improvements were made fixing issues with torus-type features and Deviation. •The Set Triaxis Flags dialog will now close correctly. •Assemblies in the Model Navigator have new Icons to differentiate it from the Parts. •The Quick Access Toolbar will now display the proper Tool-tips. •Hitting 'Apply' will now apply any changes in the Display Option Dialog. •Only the given MTM name by the User will be the default MTM display in DCS tree. •Slots/Tabs Display in the Graphics is improved. •Updated the Hide/Show Annotation Icon. •Tolerance Dialog display is improved by removing the unnecessary trailing zeros for the values. •Updated Import / Export DCS File Icon. •Hide/Show Preselection Mesh will no more affect the Tree Highlight. •Now the Activate/Deactivate Button in MTM On/Off Dialog will Instantly Update the changes in the Tree and Graphics. •Added Quick Access Toolbar. •MTM Selection from the MTM Dialog will highlight in the Graphics •Updated icons for pan, rotate, zoom, zoom window, autoscale, and redraw. Generate Report•3DCS will now use the last calculated nominal position for the Report. |