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Below are a list of changes, enhancements and resolved issues based on the entire 3DCS suite or a specific CAD system available with 3DCS. Please review the list of changes and don't hesitate to ask about a specific change.
Any text written with a teal highlight refers to any Simulation Output change. In other words, some calculation changes were made to either a distribution, a measurement output or DLL result. This could result in minor changes to a previous Model Simulation output.
Advanced Analyzer and Optimizer
Datum Optimizer (AAO) is a tool designed to determine the optimal datums from a candidate set with the goal of minimizing the rigid part variation or compliant part deformation.Sequence Optimizer (AAO) is a tool designed to reduce lead and launch time by eliminating or minimizing manual join/clamp sequence studies. The Sequence Optimizer determines the optimal join/clamp sequence from a candidate set of joins/clamps. Users may optimize clamp sequence or joining sequence.Dimensional Distance Measure measures the distance between two selected features in three modes: Center Distance, Minimum Distance and Maximum Distance. These new measures will produce similar results to various CAD Measurements tools.Volume Measure This routine calculates the surface volume of a closed surface. Users can utilize the User-DLLs Zip Pair Points (dcsMvZipPairPoints) and Zip Surfaces (dcsMvZipObjectsToTargets). These User-DLLs will sew features to create a shell of the part that will measure the volume of the closed surface.Analysis•Fixed an issue with results exceeding the outer limit, if the USL or LSL is specified as 0 or N/A. (68164) •Corrected the ranking display of the Contribution Percentage order. (67913) •Fixed an issue with Visualize Effect and Contributor Analysis results when measuring Form variation. Form variation will show in the graphics (Visualize Effect), as well shown as a result in Contributor Analysis/GeoFactor. (67295) •Saving a Statistics Row (StatRow.CSV) files from GeoFactor has been updated to include details similar to the StatRow from the Monte Carlo simulation. (67326) •Six-Plane Modes "Ls6plane, LSHp6plane, NomHp6Plane. " have been removed from the Feature move and GD&T options. Also removed from the Preference. (50321) •Added a Global Setting option "Model Flag" for GD&T and Feature Move Calculation Method options. This will use the Preference setting "Plane Calculation Method".(67407) •Position GD&T on Slot feature created using a point will now be calculated correctly as contributor. (67659) GD&T•Enhanced the GeoFactor and Contributor Analysis results for Datum Shift. (67427) •Corrected the Perpendicularity GD&T with multiple segmented features defined in the feature list resulting as a planar feature. (68197) •Features with Dimensioning Location should deviate correctly, if a geometric tolerance (location) is applied to the Origin feature. (67954) •Added the JIS Standard to 3DCS. The Preferences can be set to create GD&T in the JIS standard or extracted from CAD. (67462) •GD&T Size tolerance will read the default value from the MTM Settings correctly, showing the upper range and lower range in the dialog. (Ex, Default = 0.1mm range = +0.05/-0.05). (67785) •Fixed an issue with the calculation of GD&T Pattern control, to make the case more consistent with the Contributor results. (67783) •GD&T with sub-datums, created from other structures, will not cause over calculation in GeoFactor or Contributor Analysis results. (67022) •Fixed an issue with Bi-directional Position tolerance on a sphere, deviating the sphere feature along the specified direction. (67220) •Addressed the accuracy for detecting the internal LSQ plane. Orientation-type tolerances will not apply an offset from the LSQ plane. (67190) •Corrected how the software checks Perpendicularity tolerances with 0 tolerance range and a bonus size tolerance to report the correct Contributors. (67379) •3DCS supports the use of MMC (Bonus) for Form tolerances (Flatness and Straightness) on Features of Size. (67998) •Fixed an issue when extracting GD&T and GD&T Measures, which caused the DRFs to forget the datums defined in the DRF. (67750) •In the GD&T Options tab Range Field will be hidden when Distribution is set to Constant. (67306) •Multiple Slot features will deviate correctly when added to the GD&T dialog.(67646) •Added the Validate warning back when the extracted Linear dimension shares same features. Warning appears right after extraction and also when Nominal Built. Also added a option in the Joint Wizard to automatically convert these dimensions to Dimensional Location GD&T with origin.(66269) •Slot and Plane combination Feature selection in GD&T dialog will not cause the software to crash. (67927) •The MTM Default value for angle will now show up correctly in the GD&T dialog even when switched between the tolerance types.(66500) Excel Create•Added a new column (AO column) in Excel Create called Features, under the Points tab. This column will show a Feature Point's linked feature. (62165) •Excel Create can create GD&T Measure and the R-Touch move . (67318). •Editing a cell in excel and reading it back in will no more give the server busy warning.(68063) Measures•Adjusted the Point to Point measure to show the correct current value, regardless of which surface was selected first. (67369) •Fixed an issue with some measures changing the USL/LSL shown or hidden status after closing the dialog. (67644) •The custom values entered in the LSL/USL fields will be kept in the measure. (67644) •GD&T Measures can now utilize the LS High Point Option, in the GD&T Default tab in the Preferences. (67047) •Fixed an issue with Circle Diameter measure not including Profile tolerance, measuring a cylindrical feature. (67325) •Improved the Feature Measure to show negative results if the features are shown to have an interference. (67127) •Added a new Measurement "Dimensional Distance" which calculate the Min and Max distance between selected features. •CAD Dimensions created between 2 Features with Tolerance will now get extracted as Dimension Distance measure in 3DCS. •Dimension Distance Annotation Direction Display when selected from tree will display the vector direction correctly.(68154) Preferences•Users can add units to show in the results. Measure results will display units with Volume, Area or Length. (68206) •Preference Dialog is remodeled (67464) •Updated the Min Segment Number to Mesh Density •Fixed the tolerance scale to allow values between -100 and 100 and Cylindrical Threshold can be set between 0 and 360. Setting a 0 will not display an error for these settings. (59627) •Mesh Density values revised in the Preference Dialog.(67573) •Added Setting in the Preference to Hide/Show Warnings.(66855) Display•Fixed a refreshing issue when changing the Sigma number in the General Options tab for the Analysis Summary window. All statistical values will update correctly after changing the Sigma number. (67947) •Fixed the display for Slot/Tab size in the Slot/Tab dialog and the size of Slot/Tab Floats in the Move dialogs. (67467) •Fixed the display size of tapered Slot and Tab features in the Floats dialog for moves, and clearance values in the Contributor analysis. (65977) •Floats defined with Slot/Pin will display the correct size, showing the same size from the Feature Slot dialog. The clearance defined by the Floats with Slots will display the correct clearance. (67201) •Fixed the mesh display after running a Simulation. The mesh will display correctly at the measure's nominal position (67157) •Selecting Points individually from any dialog will highlight them in the Graphics. (66900) •Fixed the Right click menu options for Monte Carlo and Geofactor Analysis Results Page. (67343) •Related List Dialog was reworked to better display content in the Graphics when selected.(67125) •Selecting Floats option from the move dialog for Slots will only display the main arrow and no more display the 0 and 90 degree arrow.(64516) Moves•Feature Move with LS LCS/LS High Point supports primary axis tilting with multiple features of size. (65879) •Fixed a Crash when clicking Apply and then OK in the Pattern Rigid Move dialog. (67434) •Fixed a Crash on clicking Direction from the Move Dialog.(67578) •Creating Iteration Move will no more create Log Error.(67090) •Hole Pin and Slot Pin will show up as separate contributors in the List for the Contributor results.(67443) Features•Modify a surface direction by using Switch Direction function (Right-click on Feature) (67280) •Feature Slot changes: Default is set to Associative Direction but the direction of the Feature Slot will determine the slot width. (67235) •The Position of the Slot/Tab will be determined by the first Point or Feature selected, measured to the second Feature or Point, along the direction specified in the first feature or point, or by the custom direction. (67235) •Users can now create a Linear Tolerance on the length of the slot to control the Slot/Tab's length variation. (64499) •Dynamic Point Information will only be displayed once in the Feature information dialog. (67635). •Renamed Point Group function to Point-Based Feature and remodeled the dialog.(67770) •Update curve identify rule: o1. It is a curve if more than or equal to 3 Points is selected. o2. If an edge have 3 or more nodes not in straight line then its a Curve.(67380) •Group Names can be renamed right away while creating it from the Organize Group dialog.(67774) Report•Fixed an issue with German characters preventing images from being created or used in the Report. (67599),(67582) •Resolved a crash while running Excel Report. (67230) •The Power Point report works fine with and without Monte Carlo Result Page.(67455) Tree•Deleting a Feature Group will warn the users that Features within the group will also be deleted. (67606) •Reordering groups from the Organize group dialog will work correctly.(67311) •The Group Nodes will now list the Number of Entities within each group.(66720) •Added "Add Groups" to the parts right click Menu which have all the add groups options as sub menu.(67952) •Hide/Show Parts (Mesh & Points) option is added back to the Part right click menu for MVM.(67984) Dialog•Fixed the Validation list when fixing errors. The list will update and align correctly to the current errors. (66194) •Fixed an issue with right-click menu, in the Contributor list, from in the Analysis Summary. (68160) •Fixed a crash when switching and closing the the Analysis Summary and Analysis Windows. (68168) •Fixed the Sigma Value display changing to an invalid number, after selecting OK to close and reopening the GD&T dialog. (68238) •Fixed a crash when using Next and Previous functions in the Histogram window. (68469) •Corrected missing contributors and the ordering contributor percentage in Contributor Analysis. (68228) •Fixed the Sigma Value display in the GD&T Options tab and 3DCS Tolerance dialogs. The field will now display based on set units. (68139) •Fixed an issue when reporting the "No Builds" list in the Run Log viewer, to correctly show the current units. (68059) •Changing Type of 3DCS Tolerance will not remove the tolerances from the Tolerance list dialog or the tree. (67844) •Fixed an issue with Comma Delimiter causing the PCDB to show the database list incorrectly when linking to tolerance or GD&T. (67777) •Updated the Feature Point UI function Switch Direction. Users will now be able to select Switch Direction: Material or Axis buttons. (67280) •Removed Switch Direction option from the Fast Point Creation dialog. Users can utilize the Switch Direction function in the Feature Point dialog (Feature Points) or the Edit Point dialog (Coordinate Points) to change point directions. (67280) •Fixed an issue with Switch Direction in the Feature Point dialog requiring to use Update Model or a screen refresh to change the direction. (67312) •3DCS now prevents users from selecting Dynamic Points in 3DCS Tolerances, GD&T, or Slot/Tab dialogs. (67257) •Deleting Entities from MTM Groups will now gets deleted correctly when deleted from the MTM List dialog.(67675) •"Selected MTM On/OFF" button from the Feature Info dialog will now update correctly.(67638) •Added an option in the Edit Part dialog where the user can rename the Parts and display it in 3DCS Tree. This is controlled by the Alias display setting. This will not change the CAD Names.(67388) •Added better warning message when a Group is deleted which says how many contained entities will also be deleted.(67771). •The Size range will be displayed correctly in the Critical Tolerance Identifier, Fixed the scaling issue.(67882) User-DLL•Removed the routines from the LsqGeoMv: CrCnt_Tol, and Circle_Tol. (64674) •The routine LsqPlane is available for LsqGeoMv.DLL. (68127) •Added the new tolerance routine to the Xform.dll: dcsTlCntScaling. This routine is designed as a Tolerance to scale the selected features relative to a center plane. (67822) •Fixed various issues when using special characters with DB2 files, Reading files with special characters through the CMMDev2 DLL Tolerance; creating points from Importing a DB2 file; Reading the file's delimiter setting, even if it doesn't match the system settings. (67977) •Fixed a nominal calculation error with WorstCase DLL (SimuBiModal) and GD&T Range Control. (67914) •The X-Plane routine (MTMLib2.DLL) will correctly locate the primary locators, especially when a 4-Way locator and a 2-Way locator are used. (67309) •Multiple DLLs can now be selected and removed from the User DLL Dialog.(67763) Validate•Updated Validation messages when deleting a segment of a cylindrical feature. (67747) •Recompiled the LsqGeoMv.DLL with LsqPlane routine for (68127) •Updated the Feature Slot/Tab warning for non-parallel features used in the Slot/Tab. (65978) •Added Validation message to Run Log for multiple DRFs being used on one feature. (67146) •Added a validation error when position GD&T is created on two parallel planes without a size GD&T.(67760) •Fixed the Relationship Tree error to not check the Feature Type in Datum if it has Datum Targets.(67976) •Position GD&T created with Material condition will always require a size. Added this error message on dialog closing and in validate and relationship dialog.(68053) |
3DCS now support PTC Creo 7.0!File IO•Corrected the 3DCS Log to display the Creo version correctly. (67273) •Importing wtx file when the CAD Parts are hidden will no more Unhide them.(67134) Dialog•Removed Rename option from Edit Part Dialog. Parts can only be renamed in Creo and Updated in 3DCS. (67108) •Launch Preference will no more crash the software.(67572) •Child Parts can now be linked without linking the parents in the Tree Linking Wizard.(67949) •Histogram Results page can now be scrolled fine without any delay. GD&T•GD&T Annotations created using Annotations in Creo 4 and above will now get extracted correctly.(67479) •Origin Dimension will now extract the Features and assign the origin correctly.(67479) •Updated the message when GD&T is pushed back into the software.(67418) •Added combo box selection for GD&T and Measure Extraction.(67955) Tree•Unhiding Parts from Model Navigator will no more remove the parts from the tree.(68006) Points•Spheres and cylinders center point will now be converted from CAD correctly.(67799) •Feature recognition is now improved and point uv location is corrected.(67894) Moves•Constraints extraction from creo will give a confirmation message on how many Moves were extracted. (67198) •Offset Constraint between Spheres and Planes will get extracted correctly.(67416) •Creo Constraint using Points, when extracted creates the Linked Feature for Spheres and use that in the 3DCS Dialog. (67447) •Axis Orientation setting from Creo constraints will now be extracted in Constraints extraction.(67857) •Feature Direction will now display correctly for moves for Align and Against direction settings.(67851) Measures•Update Measure will now extract the Dim GD&T created in Creo with Tolerance as Dimension Distance Measure. (66210) •Extracted Measures will no more delete the existing Measures. (67938) Preference•Added a setting in the preference to delete the log files after specified number of days. (67562) •User can enter the given CAD Parameter Name and the value of those will be used for the Part Names. This setting will be saved with the model.(67110) Report•Multiple Part Instances will no more get hidden in the Report Images.(67317) |
Import•Importing a WTX file into 3DCS, will not cause the parts to Show, if they're hidden. (67134) General•Clicking "X" to close NX when the Model is in built position will automatically Separate and close the Model. (67193) Dialog•Removed Rename option from Edit Part Dialog. Parts can only be renamed in NX and Updated in 3DCS. (67108) •Selecting the MTM icons from the ribbon on an empty model will open the function dialogs for the root correctly.(68109) Moves•Constraints using Spheres will get extracted correctly. (67313) •A Confirmation message on how many constraints was extracted will pop up when extracting the NX Constraints.(67197) •Feature Direction will now display correctly for moves for Align and Against direction settings.(67851) GD&T•NX PMI dimension with origin will now get extracted as Dimensioning Location GD&T.(67941) •Updated the message when GD&T is pushed back into the software.(67418) •Fixed a crash on extracting GD&T (non-PMI drafting).(68042) •Added combo box selection for GD&T and Measure Extraction.(67955) Tree•Fixed the Group node error when moving entities in and out the group.(67396) Features•Sphere features will now get extracted correctly. (67692) Measures•GD&T Dimensions created in NX with Tolerance will now get extracted into NX as Dimensional Distance Measure. (66209). Preference•Added a setting in the preference to delete the log files after specified number of days. (67562) •User can enter the given CAD Attribute Name and the value of those will be used for the Part Names. This setting will be saved with the model.(67110) Report•Fixed a crash in NX while running a report with contributors active but not available.(68194) |
File IO•Importing wtx file when the CAD Parts are hidden will no more Unhide them.(67134) •Fixed the crash with import .wtx in SW.(67970) General•Fixed an issue on saving after doing "Remove 3DCS Data" (67253) •Fixed an issue where two Coaxial Hole feature was linked internally. (67314) •Sub Assembly Constraints on Multi-Instance Models gets extracted correctly (67293) •Clicking "X" to close SW when the Model is in built position will pop up a message that model will be Separated and closed (67193) •Related List created in SW will get saved correctly. (67362) Moves•Extracting Constraints on Subassemblies which uses edges will no more lose links when saved. (67406) •Added confirmation message for SW constraints extraction. (67199) •Feature Direction will now display correctly for moves for Align and Against direction settings.(67851) •Negative offset values from SW constraints will now get extracted into 3DCS.(68069) GD&T•Updated the message when GD&T is pushed back into the software.(67418) •The Size GD&T value will now get extracted correctly for Symmetric and bilateral.(68052) •Added combo box selection for GD&T and Measure Extraction.(67955) Preference•Added a setting in the preference to delete the log files after specified number of days. (67562) •Automatic Update Model Setting will now work in SW.(67682)
Tree•Fixed an issue when opening older models with user customize Tolerance order. In, it was unintended that 3DCS re-order tolerances in order they were created. Later versions will open in the customized or previous order. (67324) •Fixed a Crash on features mouse hover from tree.(68048) Display•Fixed the unit display with the Kinematic results. The results units will show based on the Unit setting defined in CATIA V5 Options. (67846) •The Mesh display for Show Min, Max and Nominal will refresh each time and shows only one position selected.(67143) •The HP and SP Floats will now be displayed with Vector direction along with the Move Name in the graphics when selected from the Analysis Window.(67909) Moves•Fixed a crash with the Revolute joint Feature highlight. (67850) Dialog•Fixed a crash with the Analysis Summary (Chart) and Analysis Window (Histogram) when switching from "Per Feature" to "Per Tolerance" and closing the dialogs. (67818) •Corrected missing measures that were used in the model, not showing in the Visualization Export dialog. (68255) •Added the USL/LSL shown and Not Available check boxes to the Combination measure. (67644) •MTM and GD&T Lists dialogs will be able to expand and show more of the items in the list. (67404) •MTM Info will display the correct values based on the units set in the CAD system. (67181) •Fixed an issue with new dialogs in CATIA V5. New and previous dialogs will open after the first Nominal Build. (67137). •Fixed the Combination Measure Dialog in V5 to have the Spec Limit check boxes. (67645) •Added Edit Part Dialog to V5 which is opened by double clicking the Part from the 3DCS Tree. This allows to change the 3DCS Part Name.(67591). •Catia earlier versions will no more crash on changing the Mesh density from Preference Dialog.(67593) •Fixed a crash in Catia when Apply and Ok is clicked in Dimension Distance dialog. (68008) •MTM List dialog resized to view all the MTMs in the List and the Group Names fully when expanded.(67775) •Selecting a feature from the mechanical move dialog will highlight the features instantly.(68165) •From the mechanical move dialog picking the object and target feature will add it to the dialog correctly.(68165) •Fixed a text in size tolerance dialog to display "Type".(68190) •Fixed the Arc Tolerance to not to show units for Max Trunc and Min Trunc for rand #1.(68234) Feature Groups•Fixed a crash when creating a Feature Group for the first time. GD&T•Duplicate FT&A names will get extracted by adding a underscore 1 to the names.(67660) •Fixed an issue on deleting Datums from one GD&T group deleting all the DRFs.(68167) Distribution•Power Fn Distribution Type is added back to all CATIA V5 Dialogs. (67114) |
Issues Resolved (3DEXPERIENCE)
3DCS Now supports 3DEXPERIENCE 2021x!General•Fixed the unit display with the Kinematic results. The results units will show based on the Unit setting defined in 3DEXPERIENCE Options. (67846) •Adding Parts to the Root of the existing model will no more corrupt the Models. (68033) Dialog•Fixed a crash with the Analysis Summary (Chart) and Analysis Window (Histogram) when switching from "Per Feature" to "Per Tolerance" and closing the dialogs. (67818) •Added the USL/LSL shown and Not Available check boxes to the Combination measure. (67644) •MTM and GD&T Lists dialogs will be able to expand and show more of the items in the list. (67404) •MTM Info will display the correct values based on the units set in the CAD system. (67181) Feature Groups•Fixed a crash when creating a Feature Group for the first time. Moves•Joints now gets extracted from V6 for version R420 and above.(54765) |
Importing/Exporting•Imported PMI on Cylindrical feature will now import the GD&T Range/Offset value correctly.(67249) Preferences•The option to Save a GFX file will be deactivated by default. (67363) •Multi-CAD will no longer save a GFX file automatically by default. The option is still available to automatically create the GFX file in the Preferences. (67215) •Resolved GD&T Annotations respecting and updating with Length Unit in the Preferences.(67205) •Added a setting in the preference to delete the log files after specified number of days. (67562) Tree•Fixed various issues using the Delete key on the keyboard or Delete Parts functions, when deleting parts in the Tree Window. (67739) •Fixed an issue when dragging and dropping a part to the sub assembly level or the top level assembly, to reorder the parts. (67622) •Remove DCS data will now remove the Group entities.(68026) •The right-click menu icons will be loaded for both the Navigation Window and the Model Navigator in MC.(66864) Features•Fixed an issue with Point-Hole cylinder in a float that caused an unintentional change with statistical data. (68177) •Fixed an issue while Creating Coordinate Points on edges on translated parts. The edge will correctly display the size and on the part. (67609) •Fixed an issue when deleting GD&T after deviating will continue to deviate the feature. (68178) •Fixed an issue with Comma Delimiter, which was causing incorrect size of cylinder or point to be defined. (67490) •Feature selection error "Not enough CadPts" is resolved in (67381) •The Feature vector direction is fixed to show correctly when CATIA parts with GD&T is extracted into MC. (67265) DCS Converter•Updated CAD Translator to TransMagic R12.30.100 (67403, 68266) •Resolved Multi Instance assembly importing and part location issue. (67170) •AutoDesk Inventor 2020 files are now supported. (67174) |